6 • ODD

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Camila woke up feeling groggy and exhausted the next morning; she was never a morning person. The only thing that brightened her morning however, was remembering what happened when Derek returned last night. Y/N was still watching TV and she got yelled at pretty badly from what Camila could hear, about having the volume too loud. She eventually turned it off meaning Camila could actually fall asleep, and Camila was pretty happy with the result.

Peeling the covers off herself, she managed to drag herself out of bed and check her phone. There were a few messages from the girls and she opened them, seeing they were only late night texts about what they were doing and such. They tended to talk about the randomest of things, Camila noticed. After sending them a quick 'good morning' text, she grabbed some clothes from her drawer and headed to the bathroom to have a shower. She bathed and brushed her teeth, and would have gone to the toilet, too, but the toilet seat was left open and she was instantly grossed out by the lack of manners. She already knew it was Y/N.

She's gonna hear from me when she wakes up.

After eating her breakfast, she went into the living room to watch TV. As she turned on the TV, she frowned at the thought of this possibly being her life until her pursuers were caught. Watching TV all the time. I hope it isn't or I will literally cry.

Her thoughts were interrupted by someone bursting through the living room door with a loud bang from the door hitting the wall: Y/N.

"Is it really that hard to clean your hair ball when you finish showering?!" Y/N shouted at Camila instantly, not even bothering to lower her voice to hear the singer out first.

Camila raised an eyebrow and grew angry. She was not going to be yelled at when she didn't even do anything wrong. "Me?! You're the one who left the toilet seat up. Now if that isn't disgusting, I don't know what is." She crossed her arms across her chest and looked ahead at the TV proudly.

"It's not that hard to put the toilet seat down, Cabello," Y/N glared at the Cuban who was fuming in her seat. "Meanwhile, I shouldn't have to clean up your hairs from the shower drain."

"Are you hearing yourself right now?!" Camila's voice went higher as she wondered what was wrong with Y/N's brain. "It's common courtesy to put the toilet seat down when you're done!"

"Just like it is to remove your hair from the drain," Y/N shot back, then laughed bitterly. "But then again, you probably had someone to do that for you whilst you were on tour, right?"

Camila stood up and glared at Y/N, who wasn't the slightest bit deterred. "Unlike you, I was taught manners, so don't go talking about something you know nothing about."

Y/N scoffed and rolled her eyes. The two continued to argue for what seemed like hours but was only a few minutes, and none of them were getting anywhere. It was just insults thrown back and forth between the two, and Camila couldn't take it anymore. She grew tired of them constantly bickering, so she walked out of the room during one of Y/N's rants. She stormed upstairs and slammed her bedroom door shut in frustration, hoping Y/N heard it.

She was treated like rubbish and she absolutely hated it! She didn't expect to be treated like the queen, but she did deserve some sort of respect from Y/N, right? She now knew that she despised the Y/L/N's home, and especially despised Y/N.

Hoping to get her mind off things, she reached for her guitar and sat on her bed. Music was always a good way to let out her anger and frustration. Her fingers brushed the strings of the guitar, and using the knowledge she had, she began to strum some random chords and eventually found herself playing some familiar songs. Not long later, she heard someone knock on the door, interrupting her playing. It better not be Y/N.

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