Chapter 41

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The trip to Akash’s room had pepped up Subah’s mood, and she was now looking forward to the next day. She could tell that her relationship with Akash was on an even keel now and they could start afresh. She liked Akash, but more than that, she respected him.

As Johnnie Sparks, he had already spent so much time and money to make her exhibition successful. How would she ever pay him back? She made a mental note to tell him to go ahead and return to Delhi tomorrow and add the extra expenses he’d incurred to what she had initially promised as the fee for his services.

She rechecked the lock of her room, put on the chain lock as an additional measure, turned the bathroom light on before flicking the room lights out, and slipped into bed. She could hear the hum of the air conditioner and nothing else. Her senses heightened, she turned towards the door and looked at the light that seeped from under it. Would she be able to sleep tonight? Last night had been different. Perhaps the drugs given to her intravenously had still been in effect then. But at this moment, she didn’t feel sleepy at all.

It turned out to be a long night. Around 2, she heard a sound from outside her door. Her eyes flew open, and she sat upright on the bed, her senses alert once again, eyes unblinking as she focused on the light seeping in from outside. Then she saw the light get darker for just a second, as if someone had passed her door. Who was outside?

Subah started to sweat. There was another sound. Was she hallucinating? Minutes ticked by, but nothing happened. Then there was a knock on the door.

‘Who is it?’ she asked, her voice uncertain.

There was no answer.

‘Who is it?’ This time she screamed.

There was still no answer.

At that moment, her phone started to ring. Without taking her eyes off the door, she grabbed it and screamed with all the power in her lungs, ‘Who is it?’

‘Subah, it’s me.’

Akash’s voice lessened her hysteria, but her voice still quivered when she spoke. ‘Akash, there’s someone outside my door. Please help. Help.’ She hung up and started laughing. She got up, faced the door and shouted, ‘Akash is on his way. Whoever you are, he’ll kick your ass.’

After a few seconds, she heard a loud banging on the door and Akash calling her name. She opened it and saw Akash. There was no one else. She grabbed him, pulled him in and locked the door.

He embraced her, and she shivered in his arms for a long time before reality started to soak in again. They were standing close to the bed, and she slowly disengaged herself.

‘I’m sorry.’ She sat down heavily on the bed. ‘I’m not sure what’s happening to me.’

Akash sat on the chair and said, ‘You don’t have to feel sorry. It’s your state of mind due to the PTSD. The hallucinations will lessen over time. It will be okay. You need to fight this, Subah. I’m here to help you however I can.’

‘I know about PTSD. I’ve seen so many women cope with it. Few are able to get through the first, dark phase. Most fail and live with bruises on their soul for the rest of their lives, never normal again, just emotionless bodies of flesh and blood.’

Akash stayed silent, knowing it was best to let Subah talk.

‘Knowing something is so different from having to go through it.’ After a while, she added, ‘I’m sorry. You can go now.’

‘Please don’t feel guilty. You don’t have to be sorry. And I’m not going anywhere. I’ll get my mattress and sleep right here on the floor.’

She looked up sharply at him, her eyes searching. This man truly cared like no one else she had met before. Her respect for him rose even higher.

Akash left for a few minutes and returned with his mattress and pillow tucked under his arm. He placed it on the floor beside her bed and looked at her, ‘I’m here, and you don’t have to worry. Now, try to sleep—we have a long day tomorrow.’

She lay down on the bed, and Akash reached to turn the lights off. The room was dark, but this time, she wasn’t scared at all. She wondered again what name she could give to a relationship like this. Nothing came to her mind as she drifted off to sleep.

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