Chapter 20

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'You can take your daughter home now. She needs to rest for a few days to get her strength back, and as soon as she feels energetic enough, she can start school.’

Akash turned to look at Sara, who sat with her back resting on the reclined half of the hospital bed. She was not looking at the doctor but at her father. He winked at her and thanked the doctor. The nurse stepped forward and asked him to first pay the bill.

When Akash returned, Sara’s table had been cleared off. A small bag was sitting by her side, and now she sat on the edge of the bed, her legs dangling freely. She had packed her own stuff. Her mother’s picture, which had been on the bedside table, her clothes and her soft toy, Wriggly the caterpillar, were all packed to go home.

‘That’s smart work, Sara.’

She jumped down from the bed and hugged him. Akash picked her up, and when he met her eyes, he felt like it was Nisha who smiled back at him.
‘Let’s get out of here.’

At home, Akash’s mother greeted the two of them, and Sara sat with her grandmother, holding her elbow as they chatted. Sara seemed to have grown in just a fortnight. Akash was relieved that it was finally over, and together with Rohit and the fabulous staff at the hospital, they had conquered the disease.
Later, after Sara and her grandmother had fallen asleep, Akash sat by the window and spent some time trying to converse with Nisha’s picture. He knew what he was doing was weird. If people saw him, they would consider him mad, but doing it gave him the illusion that Nisha was still around. Even if that was impossible and he was sane enough to know it, he felt good. Life seemed bearable when he thought of the past.
The next day, while Sara watched her favourite cartoon after breakfast, Akash turned on his laptop while sipping his coffee.

The advertising agency had taken off. It was surprising, but after Subah’s job, he had done social media campaigns for two more clients. It had been tough, as he was running between the hospital and home, but he had found the time to plan and work during the night. With his salary still intact, the extra money had made him comfortable, and he was beginning to wonder how best to use it. One, he could take Sara on a vacation. Or two, he could buy a nice gift for his mother, whose birthday was in two months. Akash decided to do both.

There was an email waiting for him from his first client, Subah. He hesitated before opening it. He wanted to avoid her, but because she had visited Sara in the hospital and was now friends with Rohit, he kept his feelings in check.

Akash opened the email and saw that Subah once again wanted to hire his services for a painting exhibition scheduled for next month in Mumbai. Professionally, it would be easy, as his last promotion had been successful and he knew exactly what was required. He was fine with the same fee too. Personally, though, it would be different. After thinking about it for a few minutes, he made up his mind. He really had his hands full for the next couple of weeks, and with the new project he had taken on, he was pressed for time. So if Rohit was dating her, he would take it on; if not, he could just avoid this troublesome client and focus his energies on the work at hand.

His phone rang.

‘Long life. I was just thinking about you.’

‘Yeah? Just wanted to know if the hospital checkout was smooth and ask how Sara’s doing now.’

‘Yeah, all good, yaar. She is fine, and Mom is here too. Guess she should be 100 per cent okay in a week.’

‘Yeah, with rest and home cooking, she will be fine in a few days.’

‘Home-cooked food?’ Akash laughed and continued, ’I already said no this afternoon when she wanted a pizza.’

‘Great, it’s just for a few days, please tell her that. And if possible, please ask your mom to stay at your place for a few days.’

‘I didn’t have to ask her, Rohit. She’s already locked her house in Gurgaon and moved in with me.’

‘That’s fantastic. I’ll drop in soon to see Sara and your mom.’

‘Sure. Hey, Rohit, I wanted to ask you something… It’s about Subah. Are you guys dating? I saw a lot of sparks fly that day at the hospital.’

‘Oh, man. You guessed right. Yeah, we’ve been on one date. She’s amazing, though a bit weird.’

‘Didn’t I tell you that? Do you like her?’

‘Yes, man, she’s my type. I want someone exactly like her.’

‘That’s wonderful. I’m excited.’

‘Thanks. Okay, got to go now. I’ve got a patient.’

‘Sure, by the way—’

‘Hang on… Shall we do an afternoon session with James again, like last time?’

‘Why not?’

They agreed to meet the following day at Odeon Social.

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