Chapter 38

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As Akash walked towards the Jehangir Art Gallery, his mind was on Subah. He was happy with the speed at which she was recovering, but there was something making him uncomfortable. First, it was what his mother had said, and now, the way she had looked at him and held him. Clearly, for her, he was more than just someone she was doing business with. And the fact that he was here in Mumbai had made her believe that he cared for her too. Which was untrue. He cared for her no more than he would for any woman in danger. She was just like any other woman he knew in his professional life.

Akash realized that he must do something to let her know of his real feelings so she’d stay away. But the question was how. In any case, this was not the right time, as her psychological condition was very delicate.

When he arrived at the gallery, Mr Taraporewala was waiting for him. The two men introduced themselves.

Akash explained Subah’s condition and added, after a pause, ‘I would like you to cancel the event. Under the circumstances, that would be the best thing to do.’

‘I’m very sorry to learn about the attack on her. But I also feel proud of how she fought with those criminals and got them arrested. I don’t think cancelling the exhibition is a good idea. She won’t get another spot in this gallery for two years. And what about the expenditure she has already incurred? Add that to the cost of wrapping it up now and taking these fabulous works back to Delhi.’

‘Right, but there’s nothing we can do now, is there?’

‘Let me think.’ He walked away, scratching his long nose, turned and was back by Akash’s side in less than thirty seconds. ‘I think we should go ahead. She need not come here if she can’t. I’ll handle everything. For the works that sell, I’ll arrange for the money to be put in her bank account. I have her details.’

‘But what about the opening? How can an exhibition open without the artist? Has it been done before?’

‘It’s not the norm, but yes, it has been done before. As her agent, I’ll be there. You can be present too, to answer people’s questions, since you work for her.’

Akash felt mildly irritated. He wasn’t Subah’s employee in the way Mr Taraporewala thought. He was just helping her. But he stayed quiet. The plan made sense. Fifteen minutes later, after he was given a tour of the exhibition and had seen its state of readiness, he thought it made perfect sense.

‘Great, then. Let me have a word with Subah.’ He stepped to one side and called the hotel. The receptionist transferred his call, and this time, Subah answered after just one ring.

‘How are you feeling now?’


‘Okay, so Mr Taraporewala says we should go ahead with the exhibition. The opening is in twenty minutes. I’ll be here, and so will be Mr Taraporewala. He said he would handle everything and everyone, including Mr Gaitonde.’

‘I’m not sure I fully understand what you’re saying, Akash.’

He realized he had spoken too fast and given her far more details than her mind could process. After all, she was on antidepressants and suffering from PTSD. He repeated the information slowly and cut out half the details.

‘But that’s not possible. I have to be there, Akash. Those are my works.’

‘You have to trust me, Subah. Under the circumstances, this is the best course of action. Everything is under control. Please just rest. I’ll be back as soon as I can.’

‘Of course. I trust you, Akash.’

He hung up.

By the time he got back inside, a few people had gathered and Mr Taraporewala introduced him.

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