Chapter 35

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Akash was finally able to get through to the Colaba police station after returning home around 10 and was briefed on the incident. When he explained his association with Subah, they gave him the hotel’s number. He called it immediately and asked to speak to her. The receptionist transferred the call to her room, but no one answered. He called the police station again and explained the situation, saying that Subah was not well enough, perhaps, to be in a hotel room on her own. But the policeman on the other end of the line said that the decision was made by the doctors, who had said that the victim could return to her lodgings.

He was frustrated. His client was in a city where she didn’t know anyone, hurt and entirely on her own in a hotel room. According to the police and doctors, the armed guard who stood outside her hotel was guarantee enough that she would feel normal soon. How absurd.

‘Dinner is ready, beta.’

Akash was sitting on a dining room chair, his head in his hands. Sara was asleep in the bedroom. When he had arrived home a few minutes earlier, his mother had opened the door, but no words were exchanged before she returned to the bedroom to put Sara to sleep.

Akash raised his head and began to explain the situation to his mother in detail. First about Bala and then Subah.

After he had finished, she said, ‘Beta, I think you should go to Mumbai and ensure her safety. That’s who we are. And from what little I know of Subah, that’s who she is as well. She is not just your client, Akash, but someone who has already been to our house, someone who was concerned when Sara was sick. Just because she doesn’t like Rohit doesn’t mean we should treat her as if she is a bad person. And let’s not forget the most important thing…she has helped hundreds of helpless women through her NGO.’

Akash gave it some thought. His mother was right. This was purely a humanitarian case. He was worried that Subah was still in danger.

After dinner, he booked himself on the next flight to Mumbai and left with an overnight bag. His mother waved goodbye from the door. The time was almost 11 at night.

Akash landed in Mumbai at 1.30 in the morning and hired a cab straight to the hotel. The usually one-hour drive was covered in just thirty-five minutes on the empty roads. As the cab passed the Jehangir Art Gallery, he turned to see the billboard that announced the opening of Subah’s exhibition later that day.

At Colaba Nest, the receptionist was asleep but woke up as soon as Akash tapped on the wooden counter with his knuckles. Outside, the policeman was awake and had stared at him without a word as he went inside through the swinging doors.

‘Good morning, sir?’

‘Which room is Subah Madam in?’

The receptionist’s eyes opened wide, and he pointed towards the entrance. ‘Sahib, you have to get permission from the policeman outside.’

This was frustrating.

Akash exhaled and spoke in a fake official voice that didn’t belong to him. ‘I’m that policeman’s boss. My name is Akash. Here, take a look at my agency card.’

He flashed his old ID card from when he had worked for Mr Raichand, as he was still carrying it in his wallet. Before the receptionist could focus his eyes properly to read it, Akash pulled his hand back and pocketed the card.

‘I want to see her now. Now.’

The man hesitated while Akash glared at him. Talking with the armed guard outside was not a problem, except that Akash knew he wouldn’t allow him to see Subah unless someone higher up approved. And at that hour, everyone would be asleep. He felt bad about the lie, but he desperately needed to see that Subah was safe.

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