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In the kitchen...

Ali set out all the items needed to prepare more pies that Estella thought they needed. An array of different flavors: Apple, blueberry, peach, pumpkin, chocolate, key-lime, and too many others that Estella wasn't sure sure of. Stephen was busy texting Carolina asking her if she wanted to come. Antony and Camilla were speaking in hushed tones about Christmas gifts. Estella and Gabriel were standing together at the island, while she prepared the crusts they would use. She had pulled her hair back into a ponytail but some strands still wisped around her face. Gabriel loved how natural she looked in that moment. Now all she needed were a few children clinging to her and helping make pies. Or to be naked with me between her thighs. He thought curiously.

"Gabriel...what kind of pie do you like?" Estella asked with curiosity as she cut cute shapes into the crust like she had done as a young girl. Camilla and Ali had taught her how to cook and bake in hopes she would be a great wife one day. Estella loved to cook and bake. More so when she was doing it for people she loved.

Just following directions she gave him, slicing, peeling, and coring apples and peaches, Gabriel watched Estella from the corner of his eye at how amazing she was. Her skills surpassed that of most wives. He could not bake to save his life. Cooking skills were minimal at best, and despite his clean cut manner, he was a messy person. He had stacks of paper all over his desk at work and felt things get out of control. Periodically he found his desk in complete disarray. When Estella would come to see him during their lunch breaks she would reorganize everything for him. His entire focus had been on running a company, mafia business, and his skills as a doctor, nothing more. Except maybe sex. "I am not a big fan of sweets..." Gabriel admitted, shaking his head. "But if I were to choose one...I rather enjoy coconut cream pie. That was my grandfather's favorite. Nonna used to make it all the time when I was a kid...and well..." He noticed Estella stop and set the knife she was using down and stared up at him with wide eyes. "What?"

"That's my favorite!!" Estella's mouth gaped open with a huge smile. "That's it! I am making one of those for us!" she set the top crusts to the side and went to grab the items for coconut pie.

Gabriel smiled as he watched her rushed off. Stephen came up beside him, not looking up from his phone for a few seconds. "I take it things are better? Or another act?" Stephen asked with a bit of ice in his voice.

Not surprised, Gabriel shook his head, "Things are going well...slow...but Estella seems to be back to her old self."

"I meant you. I can see she is happy." Stephen crossed his arms after slipping his phone back into his pocket.

Letting out a grumble of agitation, he set down the knife he was using to cut the fruit and shot an icy gaze back at Stephen, "I am working on it. She doesn't trust me fully."

"With good reason."

"I didn't say I don't blame her. But we are better than where we were." They were both speaking in hushed but angry tones. "I love her Stephen, so I am doing what I have to in order to prove that to her, ok? " He sized him up and down, "How is Carolina?" He was sure she knew about the entire situation. The real one.

"Stuck in traffic on her way here." He knew what Gabriel meant though, "Better now that she knows Estella is okay. Took everything in me not to let her come kick your ass herself. It was tempting to let her." Stephen gave a wicked smirk.

"I don't doubt that..." Gabriel chucked low, shaking his head before going back to cutting before Estella came skipping back. "Find what you were looking for?"

Estella held up the coconut and other items she needed. "YUP!" She noticed the electricity snapping from both men. "Hey now...relax you's Christmas time!" she wiggled a finger at them, daring them to defy her Christmas cheeriness. "No humbugs allowed!" And with that she was back to humming her tunes.

Gabriel and Stephen looked at each other, both thinking the same thing: Estella really is simple minded and light hearted. And perfect the way she was. Nodding at each other a truce. For now.

After awhile, everyone else had left the kitchen, leaving Estella and Gabriel alone. "I'm almost done with this one." Estella said over her shoulder as she pulled a pie out of the oven and went back to put the final details on another. Turning back to him Gabriel held out a spoon of coconut cream mix he was working on. He didn't seem to get it right the first few times.

"How is this?" He asked, feeling himself tighten in his pants as she licked the spoon. The soft moan she let out made things worse.

"Mmm...much better. The vanilla extract helped. I told you!" Estella dipped her finger in the bowl rim and licked more off her finger. Wiggling her self side to side she let out a happy hum of delight.

Gabriel couldn't take her innocence any more. Setting the spoon down, Gabriel cupped her face and kissed her deeply. When she didn't protest he deepened it, allowing his tongue to skitter across hers, tasting the sweetness of the pie filling on her tongue. " have no idea what you are doing to me..." he groaned and pulled her flush against him. "You innocent little siren." He was rock hard.

Estella gasped at the feeling of him against her, his tongue on hers. Fire ignited within her. The flame she once felt during their honeymoon was back. "Gabriel..." Estella whimpered softly against him, feeling a sudden rush of heat between her legs. His kiss was powerful, hungry, seeking. Begging. As if he needed her to say yes to live.

Gabriel's arms tightened around her, one arm around her waist and a hand on the back of her neck, pulling her as close as possible. "I love you..." A soft whisper brushed her lips as he pulled away. The moment their eyes met, Estella melted into a puddle of goo. So much emotion and love, fiery lust, and the need for her. "I need you, Estella." His thumb trailed over her lips and pressed inside. Her bright eyes flashed with the same intensity as he searched them. She needed him too. He could see it inside of her. Estella stood on her tiptoes and pressed a kiss to his lips. Just a soft one, but the emotion behind it was enough to bring him to his knees.

"I love you too, Gabriel." A sweet smile spread over her lips and she wrapped her arms around his neck, almost having to jump to do so. By God this man was tall. "Let's get home...quick..." the last word was but a whisper, but he heard it.

Picking her up and wrapping her legs around him he carried her out of the kitchen. Kissing her as he went, she pushed against him.

"W-Wait! The pie!!!" Estella pleaded.

A low chuckle left him, "Good idea, mia cara. I have plans for this pie..." He smirked. Setting her down, Estella quickly filled the pie crust pan with the mix he had been working on and wrapped it in cling wrap.

"Should we tell them we are leaving?" Estella was panting, out of breath from moving so quickly and the kisses he continued to capture from her every second he could.

"No, they will figure it out." Gabriel growled as he grabbed her hand, making her almost drop their hard work just to get out to the car. The only thing keeping Gabriel from NASCARing their way home was the fact that the roads were somewhat icy. Although that didn't stop him from stroking a hand up her thigh to the vee of her legs, rubbing skillfully as he went. "I have plans for you, mia cara. Things you cannot imagine." Promise of pure pleasure filled the car. "I think you can handle them now."

~*I just wanna thank you all for the amazing support you guys have been giving me lately. You all have no idea how much it means to me!*~

This chapter is dedicated to StormFire14 Thank you for your support <3 

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