Grandfather's Twin

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Making her way up to Gabriel's room, Estella packed up her things that Luke had retrieved from their hotel room. As she folded up each article of clothing, she felt sad that their honeymoon had been interrupted and ending so quickly. But on the other hand, she understood the need to get back to the States. It wasn't like they couldn't come back later on.

"Are you finished?" A voice sounded behind Estella. Turning she was greeted by Gabriel leaning against the door frame, his arms crossed over his chest.

Estella was just zipping it up as he questioned her, "Yes, all done" She smiled happily and walked up to him. "How are you feeling? I've been worried." looking up at him she suddenly felt shy and nervous. Her hands fumbled with her shirt hem.

Gabriel looked down at her, his dark eyes clouded more than usual. "I'm fine. Let's go." He turned on his heel and walked out of the room.

Her heart stung a bit. Gabriel was being distant and cold. Maybe he really did hate her. He got shot because of her; nearly died. Looking down again, Estella chewed on her lip. Or maybe he was just stressed? Looking back up she pondered what could be the reasoning for his attitude. Her own heart was conflicted with how she wanted to feel. Part of her didn't care if her love was one sided, another wanted to cry and want him to love her. Time would tell.

Gathering up some of her personal items, one of the butlers came in to get the heavier bags. Taking one last look at Gabriel's personal room, Estella let out a sigh and made her way down to Gabriel and his parents waiting at the front door.

"Please call the second you land." Rosina hugged each of them before giving them each a worried look.

"Yes, and please send our regards to your father..." George crossed his arms, he was still battling the entire thing. Not only did this piss off his best friend, he lost his brother. Traitor or not, it still hurt. Estella smiled up at her father-in-law and wrapped her arms around him, giving him the biggest hug ever. George was a bit stunned at the sudden gesture but hugged her back.

Parting ways, Estella gave one last look at the both of them before following behind Gabriel, who was already making his way down the front entrance. The driver already had the car door open for them to climb in. The cool leather slid against her thighs in her jeans, but her knee rested against Gabriel's and warmed her instantly. Until he moved away. Estella glanced up at him, chewing her lip and then glanced out the window as the driver got in. They rode in silence. And not a comfortable one either. Estella wasn't really sure what to say to him that would break the tension between them. "So...your mom was showing me pictures of your family." She smiled softly, "You look just like your grandfather. He was very handsome."

Gabriel gave no acknowledgement to her comment, just continued to stare blankly out of the window. She caught another glimpse of cloudiness in his eyes again. He was battling something internally. Estella thought maybe it had something to do with taking his uncle's life. She couldn't imagine having to do something like that, and she hoped she never had to take a life. Even for her own protection, she wasn't sure she could do it. He needed time, she decided, and she would be a good wife and give him the space he needed until he came back around. Resting her hands in her lap they continued onward home to New York.

~*Sorry, short chapter, next one will be much longer :3 *~

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