Sentimental Honeymoon

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As she continued to text her friends, they arrived at the airport. "Estella, We're here." Gabriel slid his phone in his back pocket and made sure he had his briefcase that contained their tickets and passports. Sliding out beside him, the driver helped get their bags out of the trunk.

"Have a safe trip you two." He smiled. Estella smiled to him and waved, Gabriel sort of grunted his thanks and headed into the packed airport. Gabriel checked them as well as their luggage. Once everything was taken care of the two made their way through security, showing their passports and making their way through with ease. The airport was crowded to no surprise to either of them. Making their way to the terminal Estella noticed many women eyeing Gabriel. It made her slightly jealous that there were so many of them not even trying to hide the fact that they were looking at him. But she tried to brush it off, she didn't blame them. Looking wasn't causing any trouble.

Once at the terminal the two waited for the flight to board. Waiting around was incredibly boring. Estella could not wait until they were in Rome. She wasn't sure what she was more excited for, seeing everything Rome had to offer or having Gabriel touch her the way he had the night before. Her mind wandered off as they waited. After an hour and a half, their flight was called to start boarding. Of course, Gabriel and Estella were staying in first class. Her father wouldn't allow anything less. Sitting by the window Estella looked out of the window, eager to get going. It was a long flight, but she couldn't be happier to spend it with Gabriel. The ride would give them time to talk. Something they hadn't got much time to do.

As everyone was seated, the flight attendants demonstrated the proper air safety that everyone half listened to. The pilot made his announcement and then they began to make their way down the runway. Estella smiled over at Gabriel who was flipping through a magazine. He seemed to just be looking for something to do rather than actually interested in whatever it had to say.

The flight was going to be a very long one, Estella couldn't find a nonstop flight to Rome. So, they were stopping in Paris for their layover. "So, Gabe..." Estella looked over at him as they hit their altitude. He glanced up from his magazine with a questioning look. "Why'd you become a doctor?" The question had been on her mind for a while, but she never asked him.

He was silent for a moment then closed the magazine and put it back into the chair. "My father told me to. Said it would be good" He shrugged. "Our marriage was arranged far longer than you seem to realize, Estella." Gabriel gave her a dark look, "This was planned out from the beginning. A doctor marrying a Pharmaceutical daughter. It works. People don't ask questions. It works out even more with the profession you chose."

Estella frowned a bit; her parents were planning their marriage a long time. Despite her conditions being a recent idea. It hurt a bit to hear that, but she brushed it off. It didn't matter. She loved Gabriel; he was wonderful. Chalk it up to good luck that he was a great man. Plus, she knew her parents would have never paired her with a man who wasn't good. They loved her too much to make her miserable.

"But don't be surprised if the government comes sniffing around because we got married and I am applying for citizenship. So quickly too..." Gabriel said with a very serious tone. "Chances are we will be watched. If not already. So make sure you keep yourself right. I wouldn't want anything happening to you..."

"R-right..." Estella bit her lip and looked down. Something felt off. Gabriel was being kind of cold. Maybe he was tired. Carolina said he gets really grumpy when he doesn't sleep. "You should get some sleep if you can...Were you able to last night?" She cocked her head to the side.

Gabriel rested his head back and closed his eyes with a sigh, "Not well. It was long with the wedding..." His eyes opened and something lustful crossed them, "And something else took a lot out of me."

Estella's heart pounded hard at the look. "I-I..." she was interrupted by the flight attendant coming by with refreshments. "Oh! May I have a ginger ale?" Estella smiled happily. The attendant gave her a soda and Gabriel dismissed the need for anything. Instead, he closed his eyes and relaxed into his seat.

Over the course of the flight, Estella went from trying to nap, to playing on her laptop and talking to her friends. Gabriel did the same but worked on stuff for the hospital. All work and no play. They made small talk when he was awake. Together they planned out some of the trip with a schedule on what they would like to do. Gabriel pointed out some nice restaurants that he wanted to take her, as well as other sites.

"Why did you decide on Rome, Gabe?" Estella asked him over the small dinner they were served during the flight.

Gabriel was quiet for a moment, then set his fork down and looked at her with a clouded look. "My grandparents met there, got married. Lived their lives together there. They are both buried together there." He let out a sigh and ran a hand through his hair. "I wanted to share something like that with you." the words made her heart swell. She wasn't expecting the reason to be so sentimental.

"Gabe..." Estella bit her lip and shifted herself to kiss him. His fingers threaded with her hair. She knew he and his grandfather were very close. "Let's see them while we are there." Estella gave him a soft look. She meant their graves, but it sounded better to say see them.

With a nod, Gabriel kissed her forehead and the two went back to eating. 

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