Christmas Pies

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The next couple weeks were great. Estella had gotten back into her routine and Gabriel was finally acting like a husband, Estella still hadn't kissed him again since he apologized. Something was holding her back. Maybe she just wanted to be sure...maybe she was scared. But Gabriel was very patient and didn't push the issue. Lately he was treating her like a queen. Every night before they went to bed, Gabriel would hold her in his arms, pull the blankets over them and whisper sweet words in Italian to her, always ending with: "Ti amo. Tu sei il mio cuore." I love you. You are my heart.

Estella hummed softly as she pulled out yet another string of Christmas lights. She had a new found happiness. With Gabriel being more romantic towards her, she had gone back to doing things she loved to do. She made their meals every day and they sat together and ate and talking about their days. Just like normal married couples did. "Jingle Bells! Jingle Bells! Jingle all the WAYYYY!!!" Estella sang loudly in the empty apartment while she continued to decorate to the nines. Gabriel was working overtime to ensure that he had off Christmas since it was their first one together. Estella was feeling much better about Gabriel. He seemed more relaxed and at home since he told her he loved her.

Hopping up off the step stool, Estella strung a rope of colored lights over the full windows around the kitchen and dining room. Humming happily to her Christmas tunes her phone went off. Stephen's name appeared on the screen. "Hey big bro, wuzz upppp???" Estella growled happily, mimicking Scary Movie.

Stephen laughed, "Whazzz uppppp!!!!!" He mimicked back, "You and Gabe are coming over to help with the pies right?" He asked. "Camilla is making a mess in here..."

Estella froze. Baking pies were code word for get over here asap and do not ask questions. Asking if Gabe was coming meant she needed him as well. "Yea, I was going to get him after I strung up these lights." She chimed. Stephen only used code phrases if there was a possibility someone was listening in on their conversation. They had came up with these when they were younger with her dad incase they ever got into a sticky situation. They didn't use them very often but it was always a good way to keep things clean.

"Awesome! See you soon!" Stephen tried to sound excited and then hung up.

Estella looked around the apartment, lights still in her hands. She would at least finish this strand first. Estella hung them up and then hopped off the chair she was using as a ladder. Dialing Gabriel's number he picked up immediately.

"Ciao, mia cara." Gabriel answered with a slight purr in his voice, sending a shiver through Estella. Estella had missed this sound in his voice, it made her blush even when he was not around.

"Hey, Stephen just called, wanted to make sure we are coming over to bake pies. Apparently mom is making a huge mess." She laughed nervously at the end to make things sound convincing, hoping her dad had mentioned these code phrases to him.

"Of course, I was just finishing up with work for the day." The sound of typing could be heard, "Shall I meet you over there or pick you up?"

"I will wait for you, I don't like taking my bug out in this snow." It was true. Gabriel's SUV had four wheel drive. She might love winter time, but snow was never fun. Especially in the city where people loved to ride on your bumper. Too many close calls for her comfort. It was tempting to get big snow tires for her tiny little car. The idea made her giggled.

"I'll be home as soon as I can."

"Sounds good, I was just gonna finish decorating." She smiled softly, fiddling with the string of lights in her hands. 

A little while later...

Estella busied herself with the last of the decorations in the living room when she heard the door open and close followed by shuffling of clothing.

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