Sister in Love

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Weeks passed since Estella and Gabriel returned to New York. Gabriel had been incredibly busy the moment they arrived. For a week Estella didn't see Gabriel at all. That didn't stop her from preparing meals for him for breakfast and lunches. Gabriel awoke early each morning, but Estella was already bustling about, whipping him up a healthy meal. He rarely spoke to her though. Usually just grunts or short words. If he didn't take his meal to go, he tended to gobble it down quickly before rushing out. Estella was simply happy that he was eating. His job as a doctor was stressful, and it worried her he wasn't getting anything in him. For a week or so before she started this routine his tanned skin would look paler and his eyes seemed to have dark bags under them. It became clear he was skipping meals. Being the type of person that she was, that was stopped immediately. She noticed a change instantly. Gabriel still looked exhausted but not nearly as rough looking.

While he was at work or meeting with her father, Estella had finally finished up school for the year. Her graduation was finally set for after the Christmas break. She was more than ready to work. Until then, she had gotten a job on the Psych floor working as a PCA and shadowing the nurse until she was officially graduated. She had done this in hopes of being able to see Gabriel more, but she didn't.

During the evenings when Gabriel would come home, Estella tried to sit with him and help him unwind but he always seemed to brush her off, insisting he had way too much work to do. And intimacy had come to an immediate halt since the honeymoon. The deep burn she felt was almost unbearable. The need to have him inside her again. Estella tried to be seductive and enticing when it seemed like he was done. But he was always tired. Her imagination had begun to run wild with all sorts of ways she wanted him, but she didn't dare try to pleasure herself. The idea made her blush. Instead, Estella drew pictures of her model-like husband while he worked, as well as the memories of their honeymoon. Some might be a little shocked at the types of drawings, but she wanted to immortalize her memories on paper.

Estella hoped that with his birthday coming up and the holidays, he would finally take a break and they could spend some real time together. She had ordered his gift shortly after they got home, and it was being custom made. As well as another surprise for him she knew would be a game changer. She was still slightly upset that he was being so distant from her. She knew he would be busy and need time to recover from everything that happened. It seemed he had, but he still brushed her off like an annoying gnat. There were even nights when he slept in his office on the couch, or in the living room. Honestly, it seemed he rarely slept in the bed with her, and when he did, he stayed to one side. No cuddling. No kisses good night. Almost as if they were strangers sharing a bed. Like their honeymoon never happened.

"Gabriel. I hope this works..." Estella looked down at the photos of their wedding. Her heart ached. She just wanted to be loved by him. Letting out a deep sigh she set it on the coffee table where some of her drawings sat. She needed to stop moping and start studying for her NCLEX. Although she knew she would pass, it would be good to get her mind off her cold husband for a while and do something productive.

The next few days went by quickly until Thanksgiving arrived in all its fattening and stress filled glory. Estella, Carolina, Rosina, and Camilla all bustled around the kitchen creating the family meal. Ali on the other hand worked at getting the rest of the area spic and span for the arrival of the rest of their guests. Estella thought it would be nice to have all their friends and family together; that included Estella's friends as well as Gabriel's.

The men on the other hand were in her father's office probably drinking and sharing cigars like always. Everything was business for them. Although with the girls coming over business would go on hold during dinner. Which was okay in Estella's book. 

Estella loved Thanksgiving and Christmas. All the decorations and smells just made her giddy. Every year since she was a kid she always came up with fun decorations for their dinner table and Christmas tree. The food was just icing on the cake. 

"So have things been with Stephen?" Estella whispered to her sister-in-law when the older woman went to carry some dishes out to the dining room.

Carolina's face lit up as she stopped chopping the yams, she had been working on for the candied sweet potato casserole. The girl was a wiz when it came to cooking, thanks to her mother and grandmother. It was a disgrace for an Italian woman not to be able to cook. "I-It's wonderful, Stel...he's such a great guy." She smiled softly as blush dusted her cheeks. "I am falling in love." her heart swooned as she turned to face Estella. "Even for a mafia guy, he's different than the others."

Estella squealed and hugged Carolina and they jumped up and down just as the woman arrived back with questioning looks on their faces. "What are you two squealing about like little girls?" Camilla raised a blonde brow at the two.

"N-nothing!" Carolina's face turned a darker shade of red.

Camilla and Rosina looked at each other then back to the girls with a chuckle, "I know what she is blushing over." and she whispered into Rosina's ear.

Then Rosina's face lit up with a bright smile. They knew.

"Oh no...w-wait!" Carolina held her hands up to stop them, even though it was futile. "Please don't tell dad!!! I don't want him to kill him!"

Rosina made a twisted face that was half amusment and half 'are you fucking serious'. "Carolina, do you really think I am that stupid to tell your father?"

The room got really quiet until a loud ringing noise sounded to signal the turkey needed basting and turning. Then the four broke out into a fit of laughter.

"So Stephan?" Rosina went to help prep the casserole. "He's a good kid. Antony basically raised him." She said matter of factly. "I saw you two sitting together at the wedding. You two are cute together." And with that she basically gave her blessing. The obstacle remaining was her father. He may have been quick to marry off Gabriel, but Carolina was a whole different story.

~*Omg ya'll! The Mafia Doctor just hit over 1k reads! As well as Fall in Love in a Coffee Shop! I am humbled by this! I didn't think my stories were any good, but you guys have made me feel like maybe they are worth reading! Thank you guys so much for all the support!!*~

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