Against the Glass

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~* Super 18+ warning... *~

When they finally arrived in Rome, it was very late, and Estella could barely make it out of the airport. Gabriel tapped his foot impatiently as he waited for their rental car to be dropped off where they waited. Estella bobbed slightly, exhaustion overtaking her, she rested her head against Gabriel's arm. She wanted a hot shower to ease her achy body and to lay in a soft bed.

"There's the car," Gabriel said softly, nudging her awake. The valet gave a small bow to Gabriel and he slid some money into the young man's hand. "Let's go, mia cara." Gabriel helped her into the car and took them to the hotel.

Estella barley made it up to the front desk with him once they arrived, he spoke to the receptionist in Italian. The woman giggled and handed him a key before thanking him. Estella's back hurt badly. They had been sitting too long on that flight. Not to mention planes were a giant petri dish of bacteria. Estella wanted to wash it all off before they went to bed. "We have the honeymoon suite...why am I not surprised." Gabriel snaked his arm around her waist as he led her to the elevator as the bell boy grabbed their bags and loaded them on the cart.

Estella smiled up at him sheepishly, "Well, it IS our honeymoon." she clung to him, suddenly wanting more than just a hot shower.

Gabriel raised a brow at her with a wicked curve on his lips, "Indeed it is, mia moglie." my wife.

Making their way up to the suite Gabriel opened the door and followed her inside, instructing the bell boy where to leave their things and slipping him a generous tip. The bell boy's eyes widened, and he bowed, thanking him over and over. Estella giggled as she watched the young man skip out of the room. Shutting the door, Gabriel let out a groan of relief.

Estella sat on the bed and flopped back. "Finally..." she sighed as well. "Shower time!" she sprung back up and went up behind Gabriel, "Care to join me?" she asked innocently wrapping her arms around his waist and nuzzled his back.

Gabriel placed his hands over hers and sent warmth through her, "I'll be in in a moment. Just need to make a quick call." He brought her hands up to his lips.

Estella giggled softly and skipped off to the marble bathroom. It was massive. There was a full round tub that could fit 4 people and a large glass shower. Her stomach was in knots. She wanted him so bad. Turning on the shower, the bathroom fogged up almost immediately. Hoping he didn't take too long, Estella grabbed her shower things and set them up before stripping down. She wasn't sure why she got so bold and asked him to shower with her. 'Did that seem weird?' She thought to herself. In all the romance movies and books, she read that's what couples always did. Plus, that was one of her fantasies. Sex in the shower. To be pressed against the glass while he took her. Biting her lip, she stepped into the shower and allowed herself to be immersed in the hot droplets. She made quick of washing her hair. The hairspray was beginning to itch and she just wanted it to be clean.

After a few minutes, she heard the bathroom door open and a soft gust of cold air swooped in. "Damn it's hot in here." A deep voice chuckled as the door shut. Gabriel made his way towards the shower. Sliding his charcoal grey shirt over his toned body, Estella felt her body ignite to life. "Ciao, bella." Hello, beautiful. He slid the sliding glass door to the shower open.

Estella looked up at him as she rinsed out the last bits of shampoo from her long locks. "Gabriel..." She felt nervous under his gaze. He pulled off his pants and cocked his head to the side as her gaze slid down his body. Hunger sparked in her eyes as they went back up to his. Drawing her lip between her teeth she reached out to pull him to her. Threading her fingers around his neck she stood on her tiptoes to kiss him. Her tongue skittered across his and she kissed him deeply.

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