light - kth

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Taehyung x Y/N

"TaeTae?" you walked into your apartment after you had gone grocery shopping. You were always a little scared of leaving your boyfriend alone when you went out, but he would just laugh and shake his head at your worry and push you out the door after giving you a playful kiss.

Still, that didn't stop you from feeling worried about how he would hold up while you weren't there. Would anything happen to him? Would he get hurt by mistake?

Well, dear reader. You must be wondering what an overprotective or weird girlfriend you are, in this story. 

See, the thing is.. You are dating Kim Taehyung. He's the most wonderful, handsomest person you ever came across. Calm, kind and loving, he was your everything. You fucking loved the man more than anything in the world.

He also happened to be blind.


"I'm here, babe." his deep voice called out to you from the bedroom. Sighing with relief that he hadn't gotten into any scrapes while you were gone, you walked over to where the sound of his soft footsteps came from.

Opening the door, you saw him slowly walk towards you.. Fingers touching the furniture to indicate the way, smiling his signature boxy smile. You giggled at his enthusiasm to find you, and  hurriedly closed the space between you as you ran to his open arms and engulfed him in a warm embrace.

"I missed you, baby." he spoke into your hair as he rubbed your neck with his long fingers. "I was gone for 15 minutes Tae!" you laughed as you hugged him harder.

"Time doesn't matter. I missed you anyway." he pulled away.

And he moved back in to capture your lips with his own.


"Mmmm Tae, you taste like toothpaste." you laughed softly into his mouth, giggling harder when he laughed back.

"Let's get to bed then, baby?" he pulled away and smiled. His lifeless blue eyes were indeed beautiful... though they had never seen you, you knew he loved you too..

"I'll just put the eggs in the fridge and be there in five minutes!" you began to walk away as he stopped you, grabbing your arm and slowly moving to block the door.

"I'll do it babe. You get ready for bed now.." he looked dead serious.. as if he was going on an Ocean's 11 heist.

"Are you sure?" you prodded him with your pinky finger. "I could just pop them in and be back in a jiffy, you know?"

"I know.." he smiled sadly, eyes downcast; "I just want to help you sometimes, that's all."

"Then I would love for you to do it baby." you pushed him out the door, smiling. "You'll do a great job."

"Okay I'll be back in five, Jagi."

You winced when you heard the clatter of a saucepan meeting the floor. You almost went after him to pick it up but decided to let him be independent. He didn't need you coddling him 24/7 like you always did. You needed to let him do stuff around the house too.. 

You brushed your teeth and took a quick nighttime shower. Not bothering to dress, you just pulled your bathrobe to yourself as you walked out, expecting to see Tae on the bed making a snarky comment on shower sex.

But he wasn't there.

Your hurriedly walked out of the room to check on him. 

It had been more than 20 minutes.

And when you walked into the kitchen, you felt as though someone had ripped your heart out of your chest and tore it into shreds.


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