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Hoseok x Y/N

"Hobi?" your voice cracked a little, as you frantically searched for your boyfriend.

He had texted you an hour back to urgently meet him here, in the dense woods. You had arrived fifteen minutes ago, and you still couldn't find him. Panicking a little because it was dark you were practically running, as you called for him loudly.

Where was he?

What the bloody HELL was he doing?

Why were YOU needed here?

And why would he be HERE? Of all the places he could be....


22 years ago

"Eomma I'm going to look for more wild blueberries in the forest!" you yelled to your mom who was baking some blueberry pies. 

"Y/N darling, it's not safe out in the woods." your mother crinkled her face and laughed at your cute pout.

"But Eommaaa it's just a five minute walk from here!" you whined loudly. "And I won't go too far! I'll be right outside the woods!"

"Okay then." she looked doubtful but she still let you go, but on the condition that you had to come back in half an hour.

You were skipping down the woodsy trail, picking ripe blueberries and eating most of them when you heard a faint cry.

"Eommaaa! Appaa!" the small voice was pitifully shrill and exhausted..

You followed the cries and ran, jumping over boulders and climbing down the steep scrubs, until the cries became clearer.

A boy was tangled in a mass of wild vines, trapped and unable to even move. He was in tears, but was holding on.

"Hello?" you raised your voice and addressed the trembling boy kindly. He looked like he was your age.

"Noona, can you help me? I'm lost." he sniffled, trying to hide his tears in front of a girl.

"Of course Oppa!" you hurriedly loosened his evergreen shackles and helped him up.

"Th-thank y-you Noona" the small looking boy muttered, still shaken up and tired.. He looked up, right into your eyes and smiled...

A smile so radiantly beautiful, and life-giving that you couldn't help but smile back. 

"I'm Jung Hoseok" he grinned shyly, extending his hand out for you to shake. "I'm seven years old, and I'm new here. I just moved in to the empty house on Jeju Road."

"Hi Hoseok!" you giggled, shaking his hand. "I'm Kim Y/N. I'm seven years old too! And I live in the old farmhouse on the street right next to Jeju Road."

"I'll take you home Hoseok." 

She gripped his hand and tugged him far far away from the woods. They began walking home.

Hoseok was silent. He held on to your hand tightly and walked close to you. You understood that he probably needed some silence, since he had gone through a lot when he was alone and trapped.

"Y/N, thank you for saving me back there. I sorta lost my way. We were on a Eomma and Appa and me." "I told them I was going to pick more blueberries and I wandered for almost two hours.." his voice trailed off as you stared at him intensely.

"What?" he blushed as he spoke, "Why are you staring Y/N?"

"You're so beautiful, Hobi." you had no filter even when you were just a child. 

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