astraphobia - myg

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Yoongi x Y/N

You don't like thunderstorms. 

The quick, blinding flashes of lightning never failed to make you want to crawl into your bed and cry in terror. 


The immensely loud sound of a tree falling over, prompted a ear-splitting yell of fright to erupt from your lips. You ran to your bed, leaping onto it in an undignified pile and covering yourself up with a thick feather blanket, hoping that it would drown out the thunder.


It was your husband's deep voice..

Yoongi was home.

Whimpering, you gave no reply, no words forming in your tongue. 

"Babygirl-" Yoongi ran to the bed, sat beside you and hugged you close, stroking your long hair with his piano player's fingers. He pressed you towards his warm chest, resting his chin on top of your head and snaking an arm around your waist.

He fit so perfectly with your body, and it was as if he was made just for you.

"Are you sure you're okay sweetheart?" he looked at you with so much love pooling in his warm brown eyes, and you just knew that he would never let go even if you asked him to.

"Yeah.." you mumbled quietly, then all of a sudden you scream, clutching at him in a panic when a blinding blaze of lightning struck nearby.

"Yoongi!" you cried, tears running down your face, unable to hold back that choking feeling in your throat. 


Twenty years ago-

"Mommy?" you mumbled to your mother who was going for her night shift at the hospital she worked in. "When will you be back?"

"I'll be back in an hour, sweetpea." she smiled. "I just need to finish off some work, and then I'll be done and we can read a bedtime story together, okay?"

"Okay Mommy!" you grinned as you sat on the porch, waving goodbye as she rolled down the drive in her old Sköda.

You could sense thunder brewing. You loved rain and lightning. It was so unexplainably beautiful, and you loved to watch as it progressed to a full blown storm.

The rain was harsh and loud by the time you settled down with a video game console on the porch. The thunder boomed and the lightning flashed, and you could never be happier, when..


The game exploded into bits. A branched streak of lightning directly meeting it in your hand. You went limp, as the shock took over your senses. You couldn't feel a thing except for the burning sensation all across your body.

The world around you went black.


You had been severely injured after that incident, and your love for thunderstorms had flipped into full blown contempt for the phenomenon. You couldn't help flinch when someone even mentioned the word.

Yoongi knew what had triggered your tears, and he cried with you, his tears weaving through your hair. He could never stand it when you cried. 

"Baby." his voice was muffled by your hair. "You don't have to be afraid of that storm." 

"After every storm, there is a rainbow." he whispered sweetly. "You'll see." his voice was comforting.

"I love you, Min Yoongi." you sighed into his ear, nuzzling his neck.

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