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Jimin x Y/N

"Aish!!" Jimin yelled, releasing his pent up trusfration. (see what i did there ehehehe)

He had tripped on his own feet during a complicated, intricate dance move and was embarrassed and annoyed with himself. He was one of the best dancers in Korea. Second only to you, Song Y/N the universally acclaimed gymnast-turned-dancer.

"What's wrong Jiminie?" you walked in at that exact moment to see him splayed out on all fours on the hardwood floor. You twirled across the room and lay on the ground next to him.

He faced you, eyes glazed. "I just can't seem to get this step right.." He looks almost ready to burst into tears.

"I'm too fat to do this, Y/N! I'm not a good dancer!" he almost yelled at you. Something he had never done before in your many years of knowing him.

"You listen to me Park Jimin." you growled, angered by his words. "You are the most amazing dancer I have ever met. And I have met MANY."

"And you are not fat." you continued. "You are seriously one of the hottest guys I've laid my eyes on."

"You're just saying that because you're my girlfriend."  he rolled his eyes at you, moodily. "And I know I'm fat and ugly. There's no need to try to comfort me or any of that crap."

"I wasn't done talking yet." you were pissed now. "Don't you dare roll your eyes at me Jimin."

"Whatever." he sulked and walked out of the studio, bag and water bottle in hand.

Sighing, you went back to your dance routine. Knowing Jimin, it was better to give him some space before talking to him. He preferred to be alone when he was feeling like this. He didn't even accept your comfort when he was down.

At night you walked home to the small studio apartment you shared with Jimin. You had moved in with him a year ago, and you both had fallen in love with the tiny, but cozy flat. You missed having him next to you as you walked, you missed holding his warm hand..

Unlocking the door and stepping inside, you looked for any sight of your boyfriend, but he was nowhere to be seen.

"Agh this boy." you grumbled. "He must gave gone for drinks with those freaky asshats." 

"Those idiots think they're so cool. Having a weird name and all. Bangtan Sonyeondan or something. Wasn't it?"

You made a beeline for your room and you jumped straight into the shower after hastily stripping. You had had a long day, and fighting with Jimin had taken a toll on you. Also, the dance routines you had practiced were extremely difficult and you were sweaty and sore. A hot shower would do you nothing but good. 

The hot water cascading down your body felt like heaven to your aching muscles. Not wanting to leave the comfort of the warm embrace of the shower you stayed there for a few minutes. 

When you turned the tap, stopping the loud water, you could make out faint hints of loud music being played from somewhere above you. The music itself was so familiar.. 

You realised that it was from your studio. Where Jimin probably was. 

Slamming your hand on your forehead for being dumb enough to forget about looking at the home dance studio you shared with him for your moody boyfriend, you towelled off your long black hair and dragged one of his nightshirts onto your still wet body.

You exited your apartment and quietly walked up the stairs to the roof where the room was located. The music got louder and louder with each step you took forward.

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