You smiled back, turning to Namjoon to tell him something about the sound timbre when you felt bile rising up your throat and you knew you were sick again. For the tenth time in that week, you felt your breakfast coming up from your tummy and you ran, banging open the door and sprinting to the nearest bathroom, leaving behind a stunned Namjoon and a Taehyung who threw down his headphones and ran after you, telling your boyfriend to not worry. He found you kneeling on the floor in a booth, heaving out whatever was in your stomach. He frowned sadly.

"This is the fifth time I've seen this happen to you in a week, Y/N!" he looked worried. "You should see a doctor babe, this isn't normal."

"I'm fine Tae." you spoke through heaves of further nausea. "Go back to the studio and finish up, I'll be back in 10."

"Oh fuck no!" he shouted, answering Namjoon's call and telling him to continue with the others' singles while he took you to the hospital. You knew that Namjoon would want to be the one to come with you, but Tae cut him off quickly, telling him that it was all okay and that it was nothing big, comforting and calming him down a little.

He literally carried you bridal style to his car and deposited you gently on the front seat as he drove carefully to the hospital. You were still a little weak as you held onto his arm as you walked  in. Taehyung quickly got you an appointment with a free doctor and you smiled a little when you realised that it was the same doctor who gave you your birth control pills when you had first started seeing Namjoon.

Dr. Song walked up to where you were sitting and smiled in recognition, walking you both to her office. As you sat down, you told her what had happened and she quickly ran a few tests, looking a little concerned. Tae frowned, it didn't look too good as Dr. Song looked a little terrified as she read the test results outside. You were oblivious to what was happening as you gazed distractedly at the wall hangings in the quaint office.  

Dr. Song walked in slowly, composing herself as she faced the two. She tried to smile, but couldn't. You felt something different in the air and you were a little nervous, holding Tae's fingers in your own for some support.

"Y/N dear, are you sexually active now?" the woman asked slowly, and you nodded immediately. If anything, you and Namjoon were too active at times. Seeing your affirmation, she winced as she asked the next question. "Are you still on the pill I had prescribed to you a year ago?"

You smiled confidently. "Actually, I never missed even one. I took it regularly, nothing wrong with the dosage, Doc."

Hearing your words, Dr. Song stilled. She looked almost paralysed. 

"Y/N, you're pregnant."

You laughed.

You laughed out loud.

"Doc, you're kidding right?" you looked at Tae and he wasn't amused either, brows furrowed. 

"No Y/N, I'm not kidding." the doctor confirmed. "You're almost four months pregnant."

You couldn't believe what you were hearing. You couldn't be! You were on the pill, one you took regularly at the specified times in the right doses. You were very responsible and careful with them.. This was a joke, wasn't it?

"I am still on the pill!" you said, voice small and insignificant. "This isn't supposed to happen."

"I know, Y/N." the doctor nodded. "The pill is only 99.7% effective. Out of a hundred women who take the pill, only one gets pregnant.. You're one of those rare cases."

"I still don't believe it." you said stubbornly.

"I want to show you the ultrasound, Y/N. Maybe you'll believe it then." the woman helped you up from your seat. "Would you like to see your baby?"

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