Debito instinctively dodged and he saw someone flash past him.

How did she clone so fast?!!?

"Told you to look behind"

Debito saw two Elina's in front now, shaking their head at him. The rest of the crowd was gasping in amazement now and applauding.

Irisu scowled at the Debito fan and whispered "That ain't fair right?"

"Well. If Elina doesn't mind it's fine." Replied Jolly.

He was observing the young girl now. She was small and scrawny, less filthy now but she still had the ruffian look. Among all of them, with perhaps the exception of Morgan, Jolly felt Elina was the most natural at her arcana.

"My turn" Said Debito with a grin.

"Tra Coppo Scomparire"

Debito vanished.

Silently, he circled around the Elina closest to him. He was pretty sure he had identified the original Elina and he knew that taking her out was the only way to win. But he was wary about the clones because even though they were copies, they were not illusions.

"I wonder where you are... " Said an Elina loudly.

The next second there were three Elinas and they started to run randomly around the arena. For a second Debito was confused but on observing he noticed as she was running she was making more copies too.

How many can she do?!

Realizing that by giving her so much space he had actually messed up, Debito picked a target at random and was about to draw his gun when suddenly all the girls moved forward as one.

Then they all drew their blades.

It took a minute for Debito to realize that he had been trapped. He was right in the middle. He was not sure if during the cloning process her weapons got cloned for real too. But he really did not want to be the test case for that experiment.

"I can't see you! So don't blame me if we end up skewering you!"

Debito yelped as they all moved in swinging their swords. One of them even threw their blade which narrowly missed his shoulder.

With a sigh Debito became visible.

"There you are!" Shouted Elina and the next second he was crushed to the ground by ten Elina's on top.

Debito wheezed as he left all his morals and started kicking and punching them. He knew that the scene must look quite ugly to the audience but he was definitely not going to lose like this.

Of course Elina had no qualms about playing dirty either. She was kicking back and biting him too and finally with some effort Debito managed to break out of the group.

He was about to turn invisible again when he felt something cold pressed against his back.

"Bet you can't be faster than a bullet... "

How.. . . .

Debito was silent for a second.

"Wait... You only had a blade right?"

"Yeah... But you had a gun."

Debito instinctively looked at his side. Both his guns were missing.

When.. . .

Debito slowly started to think back. He was sure that it was during that little skirmish but he would have realised it if both his guns had been stolen at the same time. It could only mean.... .

"You.. Took it in the beginning... When you were behind me... "

"Yep! I can't fight straight! I'm a thief at heart!"

Debito heard a clicking sound and saw that one of the clones had the other gun.

"Let's blow his brains out!" She screamed.

"No that's wrong! Put it down!"

"Ugh! Who will clean all that blood?! Yuck! "

"Hah! If you kneel down and grovel we will spare your life!"

"Huh? What did you do? You didn't even help?! "

Debito watched in confusion as all the girls started chattering. His head was starting to hurt listening to all this.

"Shut up" Said Elina.

They fell silent.

"Give up? If this were real you would be dead by now."

Debito knew she was right. But.. . . He just hated to surrender!!

He looked up towards the stands. He caught Irisu's eyes. A silent agreement passed between them.

"Elina wins!" Declared Irisu loudly.

The crowd went wild and even the rest of the family started clapping. They were amazed by the girl's performance. She had come off as a dull looking person initially to the rest of them, so they were surprised at her prowess on the field.

"No hard feelings?" Asked Elina as they walked back. She handed over the guns to Debito.

"No!" He replied with a grin "And you better be polite too when I beat you next time!"

Elina looked surprised for a second. Then she smiled and winked back.

"I'll look forward to that!"

The New Arcana Famiglia  [A La Storia Della Arcana Famiglia fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now