Chapter six

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Harry didn't want to watch as Liam forced the boy,who was surely going to be in tears, to a small therapist office. So he stayed home nervously awaiting the boy to come home and tell him how much he hated it. Harry was ready to comfort Louis.

Harry was sitting at the kitchen bench writing down ideas for his new song. He had been in the studio and recorded one song but he was stuck at what else to do. It had been two hours since Liam and Louis had left the comforts of the warm home, so they were sure to be home soon.

The curly haired boy was letting the quite radio ring out through the kitchen as he listened to a generic pop station waiting for inspiration to strike. He hummed along to a few of the songs as he blankly looked at the almost empty word document.

After another few minutes he heard the front door been thrown open. "Li, I don't wanna go back!" The Doncaster boy wined as he walked towards the kitchen.

"Lou, they said they want you to come back. They think it's best! It doesn't mean anything is wrong with you." The Wolverhampton boy huffed back as he followed him to the kitchen.

When Louis walked into the kitchen Harry instantly knew he had been crying. His cheeks where red and his eyes where puffy. "Hey baby."He hummed sweetly laying a small kiss on Harry's lips.

"Hey love." Harry said after pulling away. "Hey Li." He added kindly.

The small boy jumped on to the bench beside Harry letting his legs hang over the edge. "So, Niall is coming over to night, That cool?" Liam asked softly.

Harry nodded friendly. "It's fine. Don't you ever get sick of us though? Why do you never hang out at Niall's." Harry asked in his husky voice, a voice that Louis liked, a lot. Then again, anything Harry did got Louis a little hot and bothered. It didn't help that Louis had been Horny since he woke up and he needed the sweet relief from Harry.

Yes, Louis was now rock solid in his pants, not like it hadn't happened before when Harry constantly looked so damn good.

Louis didn't care Liam was there because him and Harry were a hot couple. Louis quickly pulled Harry to stand up and make himself comfortable between Louis legs beginning to make out with the boy. Liam had been there throughout the whole relationship so he wasn't bothered by the sudden pda, after all the couple were very touchy.

Louis wrapped his legs around the younger boy, he need friction. He began to dry hump Harry.the curly haired boy started to catch on about what the boy was trying to do and pushed out his body in unison with the boy.

The shorter boy was beginning to let out small moans into the younger boys mouth, luckily Liam didn't hear. Then it all felt too good. "H-Harryyyy!" Louis let out loudly pushing back slightly from the boy as felt a warm liquid shoot into the skinny jeans he was wearing. Now, that had never happened before.

Liam looked up quickly from his place at the table a few meters away from the breakfast bar. He was as shocked as Harry. "Babe!" The curly headed boy huffed not being hard from the situation at all.

"Shit! sorry baby. I didn't know it was going to happen so fast." The boy said in a hushed tone towards the boy in front of him. "Sorry li." He apologised to the other boy in the room.

Louis' cheeks became strongly flushed as he jumped off the bench and on to the cool floor. "I'm going to shower. I'll be back."  He said quietly before leaving the spacious kitchen.


Louis walked back into the kitchen twenty minutes later with his hair damp and falling into his face. It looked very similar to when Louis had left. Harry was again working on his new music at the island bench while Liam was still scrolling through his phone taking no notice of anything else.

The short boy walked up behind Harry and wrapping his skinny arms around the taller boys neck as he nuzzled himself into the other. Harry turned his head to Louis and placed a longing kiss on his forehead. "Hey." Louis chuckled in response. "Watcha working on love?" He asked softly.

Harry hummed a tune slightly for a moment before stopping and turning his chair completely around to Louis. "'m trying to write a song but I have no inspiration." Harry croaked out. "Not important. Tell me about your appointment." He added softly sweeping Louis fringe to his one side, the way it use to sit.

"Horrid! She acted as if I was a child! I hated it but Liam says I 'ave to go back because poppy thinks I should. but what does she know? She 'as only met me once." Louis huffed angrily he began to pace in front of the other boy. Harry slowly began to notice Louis was crying. "'s there somethin' wrong with me? Am I a bother? Am I an issue?" He huffed throughout sobs.

The younger boy stretched out his hand to stop louis' pacing and pulling him into a hug. "No lou. Nothing is wrong with you, love. If poppy says you should go back. Just to see why she wants to see you again." Harry hummed softly swaying Louis in his embrace.

They stood there for a minute as they let the radio quietly hum through the air. Harry noticed the tune of the song after a moment. "This can't be on right now." The taller boy chuckled before walking over and turning it up, revealing a tune they all knew.

Harry walked over to the skinny boy and pulling him into a slow dance like movement. "I know you've never loved the sound of your voice on tape. You never want to know how much you weigh. You still have to squeeze into your jeans. But you're perfect to me." Harry sung quietly as he guided the boy into a slow dance.

"I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth
But if it's true, it's lou, it's lou, they add up to
I'm in love with lou and all his little things." Harry sang making sure Louis noticed the slight lyric change Harry often use to make in shows. Louis let out a soft chuckle being reminded of the times Harry would make the small gesture of love when he knew he would only get in trouble from management later.

"And I've just let these little things slip out of my mouth
'Cause it's you, oh it's you, it's you they add up to
And I'm in love with you and all these little things" Harry continued after letting Niall's part sing over the radio.

Harry raised his eyebrows at the boy in front of him in a non verbal way of telling him to join in for his own part.

"I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth
But if it's true, it's you, it's you they add up to
I'm in love with you, and all your little things." They both sung softly as the reflected on the happy times of the band.

They were snapped out of the loving moment by Liam's slow clapping. "Wow! Congrats! You two are officially the cutest and most disgusting couple I've ever met." Liam chuckled happily quickly interrupted by Liam's phone letting out a loud ring. "Hi kitten." He said softly walking out of the kitchen and towards the front door.

Harry turned back to the boy in his arms. "Lou I'm so in love with you and you are perfect, please don't think anything else.

Not gonna lie I was going to re write this chapter because I know Louis finds Larry smut rude so even tho that wasn't really smut it's as close as we r going to get to it.

I also love how Liam was just fine with it because I feel like that's how he would've actually been abt Larry.

Also I don't know what to say abt the little things part. That song just gets me every time and Lou and h always make it seem like it's meant for the other so I put it in.

This chapter was kinda just a filler but we found out abt Louis therapist...poppy....she comes back so remember her ;)

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