Chapter four

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Harry always worried about Louis. He kept things bottled up until he exploded but Harry learnt how to get Louis to talk. Harry woke up earlier than usual that day, -he was supposed to go into the studio to record something- like every other morning he felt the naked body of his smaller boyfriend pressed against his back.

He knew something was off. Ever since he had gotten off the phone call last night he was in a mood, everything was shut or put down a bit harder and his sassy humour seemed to have no ends.

Louis must have been able to feel Harry stir in his sleep. "Good morning baby." He hummed sweetly.

"How's your shoulder? Harry sighed knowing he had to get out of bed much to his dismay.

Louis pulled Harry in closer to his chest, that  was going to make it harder for Harry to get out. "Better." He lies, he was still in pain but he didn't need Harry to worry. "How much longer 'till you have to leave?" The smaller boy wined.

"Ten minutes." Harry mumbling as he nuzzled his head further into the pillow. "The real question is, why were you upset last night?" The boy added sternly.

"Briana asked me to look after Freddie tonight. I said no because I wanted to take you out for a surprise date. She then started yelling at me." The other huffed.

Harry internally rolled his eyes. Harry hated when Louis would put him above Freddie. "We have talked about this Lou!" Harry warned, Louis knew exactly what the long haired boy was talking about. "Go over there today and apologise!" He added.


"I'm so bored!" Louis huffed as he dramatically flopped onto his best friends bed slightly hurting his shoulder. Harry had been gone for three hours and Louis was at a loss of what to do.

Liam let out a light chuckle as he watched his flopping haired friend sprawl out on his bed. "You two are so co- dependent!" Liam said in a fake annoyed voice. "I can't do anything with you today, I'm going out with Niall, sorry bud." The younger of the two said as he messed up the other's hair.

The paps had already caught on to Niall and Liam's relationship but they were fine with it, it made Louis sad. Why couldn't do the same with Harry? All the fans accepted Liam and Niall as well, so why wouldn't they accept him and Harry?

"Ugh! You never have time for me anymore!" Louis said in a overdramatised tone.

It caused Liam to roll his eyes as he remembered a very similar situation when Harry and Louis started to date and Louis had no time for Liam. "Oh like you can speak! We never hang out anymore and if we do Harry comes with us." Liam laughed.

There was a comfortable silence that settled over the pair, mainly because Liam was right. "I think I want to go public with Harry." Louis said out of the blue.

Liam was a bit taken back by it. Louis was still trying to hid the fact he was bi to the rest of the world that weren't his close friends. Harry was always ready to go public, the issue was Louis. "That's huge!" Liam said happily.

"I think I'm ready. I just want to be a normal couple that can go out and not have to hear rumours for the next month. I also think I know how I want to do it." The boy gushed.

"Don't do it in a stupid way." Liam said softly, scared that Louis was going to do something without thinking it through. Liam's words didn't matter though, Louis already had a plan.


About twenty minutes after he decided to go public he went public. He posted a photo of him and Harry in a steamy make out and captioned it "always."it didn't take long before anyone and everyone was calling Louis asking what the hell just happened.

"Louissss!" Liam called out from his room. "Remember when I don't do it in a stupid way?" He added angrily as he walked into the others room.

Louis just had a cheeky smile on his face as he sat on the bed looking at Liam with an innocent look. "Harry is going to be so pissed, so is management! Did you run it by any of them?" Liam huffed angrily as he paced the floor. Louis shook his head lightly.

That's when his phone began to ring like crazy. It was Harry, Louis hesitated for a moment. "What the hell Louis?" Harry said angrily. "You know you aren't allowed to just do that kind of shit!"

"I'm sorry haz. I didn't think. It was stupid. I'm just sick of hiding." Louis said through fought tears. "I just want to go out and hold your hand, not worrying 'bout paps finding out. I want to proudly call you my husband because I'm so fucking proud of you!" Louis said now through sobs.

"Shit- okay lou. It's okay. we will figure this out. I'll be home soon." Harry said in panic pants. Louis had never broken down like to him before. Liam was just as in as much shock as Harry, Louis had only cried in front of Liam a few times. One of those including when he cheated on Harry.

Liam quickly wrapped his arms around Louis as he uncontrollably sobbed into Liam's shirt. He picked up the phone the had know fallen onto the bed. "Louis?" Harry was saying in concern.

"It's Liam. I've got him." Liam said softly as he tried to sooth the hysterical boy.


By the time Harry got home the news had spread and his phone was blowing up but he had turned it off, he just needed to focus on getting home. He didn't want Louis to be left with Liam. He didn't want Louis to be feeling guilty.

As Harry ran up the stairs he could hear the boys sobs as Liam tried to comfort him. What Harry saw made him feel terrible, he saw Louis thrashing against Liam's chest as he said broken words between his sobs and Liam was just pulling him back into his gentle embrace.

Harry peeled Louis off Liam's chest whispering a small "thank you."

After another ten minutes Louis' sobs had become almost silent. "I can't do anything right. I can't be a good husband, I can't be a good father, I can't be a good friend. I don't understand why you wanted to marry me. Everyone around is better than me, so why did you pick me?" The short boy deadpanned.

"Louis fucking Tomlinson! Don't you fucking dare say any of that. You are the most caring,cute, funny, beautiful,loyal and hot. Please, Louis, don't say any of that." Harry hummed softly as he ran his hands through the brown mop of hair. "I love you. So don't worry about any of this. Li and I will figure it out while you have a nap."

We love the lilo friendship

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