Chapter five

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Louis had slept for hours, while Liam and Harry talked to many angry mangers and publicist. The managers offered to cover it up, like they had been doing for many years but Harry nervously declined. All while Louis slept but Liam wasn't just leaving it at that. He wanted to send Louis to therapy.

"He needs help haz." He huffed quietly. "He keeps doing this. Saying or doing something he doesn't think about and then regrets it and bashes himself up about it." He added sadly.

"Li, I can't do th- he won't agree ." Harry stuttered shaking his head. He was about to revel why Louis always refused therapy. His mum had sent him when he was younger because of his anger management and random outburst of rage. It made him feel like there was something wrong with him and Harry didn't want to put him in that situation.

Liam looked at Harry knowing there was more to the story. "Do you want to send him into another break down? This is how he was acting days before he had his break down. Remember? It was days before he left you sitting in the rain, broken-hearted as he cheated on you! Then he went out and got drunk off his face and crashed my car! Then he was hurting for months! I don't want to put him through that again, I don't want to put you through that again." Liam huffed as he walked over to Harry that was steadying himself over the sink. Harry always tried to block that day out of his mind but deep down he knew he couldn't look at Louis the same.


It was sound check and Louis was already in a bad mood, so Harry knew it wouldn't take much to set him off, so he more or less left the boy alone the whole day.

By the time sound check had finished Louis was fuming even though there was nothing to be mad at. Harry was sitting cross legged typing away on his computer. That's when it started. Louis came up and kicked Harry's computer, causing the screen to shatter. "Why would you do that?" Harry asked angrily.

"Because you're fookin ignoring me! I knew I was never good enough for you but do you constantly have to treat me like crap?" Louis huffed before storming out of the room. Harry being Harry ran after him.

They found themselves behind the arena as the sky grumbled as if it was as angry as Louis. "Lou!" Harry called out reaching for the boys hand.

Louis pulled his hand away quickly and shoved it into his pocket. "Harry, can't you get the message? I don't want you near me! I don't want you! I regret ever loving you." Louis said angrily as he stormed off leaving Harry to flop down to the soaked concrete ground.

By the time Liam found Harry it was bucketing down.Harry's face was screwed up tightly as he sobbed. Also by that time Louis had manage to cheat on Harry.

Liam gently told Harry that they still had to perform and management would cover for Louis. That didn't stop Harry from being worried sick the whole performance.

When they finished the performance someone rushed up to Liam and gently whispered into his ear. Harry later found out it was about how Louis had been in a car crash. Luckily, he wasn't hurt but Liams car had been written off.


"I don't want him to feel that way again but I also don't want to put him in therapy, trust me it's not worth it." Harry huffed gently as he turned around to Liam.

"Fine! If you won't, I will. I don't want him to be in that same place again." Liam said softly rubbing his forehead. He saw the disagreement on Harry's face. "Harry! Louis needs help!" He yelled to the taller boy causing his back to be to doorway of the kitchen.

"Why do I need help?" Louis choked out as he walked into the kitchen. "What's wrong with me?" Louis said searching for an answer. "What's wrong with me." He repeated in a slightly softer tone.

Harry hurried over to the shaking boy engulfing him in a hug. "Nothing is wrong with you love." Harry said in attempts to calm him.

"No, Harry." Liam wined gently. "Lou, I think you should go to therapy. You are starting to act the same way you acted before your break down last year. We just want to help you." Liam said softly as he stepped closer to the pair.

"Harry why would-"  Louis said angrily pulling away from the hug but Liam interrupted quickly.

"No, Harry is against this. I-it was m-my idea." Liam stuttered now seeing that Harry was right and there may have been no way the boy would agree.

Louis shot him a death glare. Why would Liam suggest that? Did he hurt Liam? Did Liam think there was something wrong with him? "Why? Is there something wrong with me? Am I hurting people?" He said softly is searching for an answer from Harry.

"Lou, there is nothing wrong with you, I'm just worried. There is nothing wrong with a bit of help. I use to go once a week when we were in the band." Liam explained gently in hope that Louis would agree.

Harry pulled him back into his embrace lifting him slightly and putting him onto the stone bench top.  Both Liam and Harry hopelessly watched as Louis let tears fall down his face. Harry let Louis head fall on to his own shoulder in attempts to comfort him.

Liam gave Harry a concerned look not know what he had brought up. "Lou, love. This isn't the same as when you were younger. It's not to do with anger issues, this is just support. He-we want to help you."  Harry said gently trying to look for the ocean blue eyes. Finally Liam understood. That's why Louis got so upset whenever the other band mates told Louis he was bad at dealing with his anger.


Louis had nearly exploded on stage. Well at least at zyan. They knew Louis could get jealous but they didn't know it was this bad.

Harry had been thrown a candy g-string. The boys all cheered him on as he slide on the edible lingerie. Harry looked at Louis for allowance.  Louis answered with  a sassy "put it on!"  Once it was on he muttered a small "oh my god!"

Louis never let his jealousy take over him so badly but at this point he couldn't control it.  Zyan took a bite out of it and that's when Louis snapped. "Let the boy speak!" He yelled angrily wanting the attention off Harry and back onto Niall so that his own jealousy wouldn't bubble over.

"Alright babe! Bloody hell!" Harry yelled back hoping it was mumbled enough so the crowd couldn't hear the accidental pet name. He brushed off the dust it had left on his crotch and looked to Louis who now had sour look on his face.

Zyan turned to him telling him to calm down, making sure the microphone was far enough away so they couldn't hear the argument. "No! I'm not going to calm down! You can't fookin do that!" Louis yelled using his hands to speak. Zyan argued back for a moment before their attention was taken back to the performance.

After the concert was over and they were taken away from the screaming fans the boys told Louis everything he had done wrong. It took Louis back to the days his mother would yell at him then take him to the therapist making him feel like something was wrong with him. He didn't talk to the group for the rest of the night.


It all hit Liam in that moment. Louis always refused help because he felt like something was wrong with him and Liam had just made him feel like that again. Maybe he should have let it go but he knew Louis needed help. "How 'bout this. If you go once and they don't feel you need to be there I will buy you as many cigarettes and as much kfc you want and I will do whatever you want for a week." Liam offered in hopes Louis would agree.

Much to Liam surprise he reluctantly nodded.

For me that was a long ass chapter. Idk how these ppl write 3k words

Also you might get a second update this week cause I've written up to chapter 10 and I want to get there asap

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