Chapter three

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Okay before this chapter starts I'd like to add everyone lives in London, including bri and Louis' sisters :)

It was a week after Freddie's first stay and Liam still hadn't spoken to either Louis or Harry. You could tell he was avoiding them, he was spending most of his time at Niall's house and if he was at home it was because he was drunk and Niall couldn't deal with him.

Louis was sitting out in the front step, a lit cigarette being held tightly between in his lips. He heard a car pull into the long driveway. He knew it was Liam he just hopped he was going around the back. The door of the car slammed shut as he heard Liam groan in annoyance. "Stop!" Louis huffed as Liam tried to slip past him.

"What?" He groaned in response.

"Why are you avoiding Harry and I? We are worried." He said hanging his lowly. "I know I fucked up but Li, you are my best friend. I miss you and I'm worried. I'm sorry." Louis added sadly as he looked up to the angry looking man.

"It's okay. I'm sorry. Can I have a smoke?" He shrugged putting out his hard towards the small carton next to Louis. Louis nodded,passing him one and lighting for the younger boy. "So, Niall and I. We are together, I already know he is better than me." He gushed happily.

Louis chuckled lightly. "Good. I'm glad."


Louis walked behind Harry who was sitting at the table scrolling through his phone and attempted to kiss him just for the curly haired boy to wave him off. "Ahh you smell of an ash tray." He huffed loudly.

"You know you love it baby." The other giggled loudly as he covered his face small kisses. "What you doing?" He hummed softly as he sat down beside him brushing the lose curls behind his ear. 

"Gem asked if she could come over." He hummed back sweetly turning towards the boy. "Also was that Liam I heard you talking to?" He said lowering his voice. Louis just hummed in response as Harry looked at him in his usual dazed gaze.

"I love you baby." Louis said happily. He loved when Harry looked at him like that. Louis leaned in gently for a kiss before feeling a harsh bang behind his head. "Oi" Louis yelled as he grabbed the back of his head to look at the mystery person who threw the object. He saw Liam standing there with a cheeky grin on his face.

Louis grabbed the cup of water next to Harry and began to chase Liam. "Not in the house!" Harry called out as he tried grab Louis' tee shirt. Harry's attempts all failed and much to his dismay Louis threw the water at Liam which caused Liam to turn around and tackle him. Louis let out a painful groan as he hit the ground. "Told you!" Harry laughed as he stood over the boy.

The boy didn't budge. He stayed on the ground with eyes clenched shut and his hand clenching his shoulder. "Wait! Your serious?"  Harry huffed as he flicked his eyes other the boy. Louis let out a hiss of pain showing his pain. "Li can you get ice?" He asked kindly as he slid down to beside the boy, easing him up so he was sitting against the wall. "Pretty dumb huh?" He said sadly as he tried to move his shoulder, Louis looked like he was in pain but not enough to take him to the hospital.

Liam brought back a pack of ice covered in a small towel. Harry took it from his hand and put on the top of Louis shoulder. "'ere you go love." He hummed lightly "this is why we don't throw around water and tackle each other. Especially when you are only tiny, skinny and fragile." Harry said softly rubbing Louis back slightly. Louis glared at him and then rolled his eyes. Harry's response was to chuckle.

Louis facial expression softened. "I love you bub." He said softly. "Thanks for taking care of me."  He added. Harry just smiled lightly brushing Louis fringe out of his eyes slightly.

"Gem is coming over tonight. Do you want me to take you to the hospital?" The long haired boy asked lovingly as he slightly massaged the small boys shoulder hoping to relieve the pain.

Louis smiled at the boy, he was in love with him, more than he thought he would be with anyone. "No baby. I'll be right. Thank you." He admired.


Gemma came in through the door a few hours later. "Hey babes!" She yelled out to her younger brother.

"Hey, in the kitchen!" Harry hollered from the room down the hallway of the front door. The slightly shorter girl swung her arm around her brothers neck going on her tip toes to level the height."want a beer?" He asked happily gesturing to the fridge. Gemma nodded in response happily.

While Harry was searching through the large fridge for the six pack of beer for Gemma. Louis walked in, exchanging hellos and hug with Gemma, he winced slightly as the pain in his shoulder. "Hey! Don't move your shoulder too much." Harry scolded at the skinny boy. "Beer babe?" He asked happily.

"Thanks gorgeous." Louis said as he got passed the cool beer. That when a lound ring was let out over the whole room and it was coming from Louis pocket.

It was Briana. He picked up reluctantly. "'ello?" He huffed as he left the room.

"Can you look after Freddie tomorrow night?" Briana asked quite rudely.

"Sorry Bri, I've hurt my shoulder and I don't think I can pick Freddie up and stuff. Can we put it off a week?" He asked as kindly as possible as he reached the room.

"No, I was invited out! Can't Harry just hold him and stuff?"

"I'm not putting my mistake on Harry. Plus he is in the studio for a while tomorrow." He said beginning to get more frustrated.

Louis could hear Briana scoff from the other end of the of the phone. "So Freddie is a mistake to you?" The girl yelled.

"That's s not what I fookin' meant and you know it! I'm not putting the lowest point of my relationship on Harry!" Louis huffed trying to calm himself down.

"Yeah? I don't think you will have to worry about that much anymore!" The girl yelled before hanging up the phone.

Louis ran his had through his hair angrily before slamming his phone down on the bedside table and heading back down stairs.

He quickly grabbed the beer he had left off the table taking a large swig. "What's up?" Harry asked softly.

"Nothing. just Briana being Briana." The boy said softly as he slammed the bottle down on the table.

"Take it easy on your shoulder Lou." Harry urged.

My poor lil boo bear

Also I started to wrote fuck as fook when Louis says it cause that's how he says it irl

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