He pried at my hands, trying to get them from covering my face that he apparently thought was pretty. Luke was successful, as he was with almost anything he did with me.

"Thank you." A short laughed came out as I thanked him. "I'm glad you think so." I added, which I soon realized sounded pretty dumb. But then again, we don't have much boundaries around each other to start with. I was a little too comfortable around him for only know him for a short while.

We both turned around as his parents came back into the room. They were still carrying on their conversation which sounded like something from work. I still had no idea what exactly they did. Whatever they were doing is what I need to get started on.

Luke's dad, who was rather intimidating, told us we could eat whenever we wanted since everything was ready. His mom already had a plate of food, as she was the one who prepared it and had gone to do so right when she walked into the room.

She sat right by Luke, smiling at me then back to her husband.

It all really went from there, we ate at the bar instead of the table. It was casual and calm, much of what I wasn't expecting. Luke's really talkative around his parents which I adore. It isn't a situation where his parents are gone and he doesn't have a connection with them. He knows to keep up with them.

We had eaten relatively fast, making our conversations jump around and sort of short. They got the basic information out of me, if I was ready for summer, what I was planning on doing senior year, if I had any siblings, that sort of stuff. His parents were sweet to me, but it wasn't fake or unbearable.

I got up with Luke to take my dishes to the plate after he bugged me for a little while because he wanted to take my plate but I reminded him I'm a big girl. I set the thick white plate down in the sink, careful not to clink it against anything.

"Hey, we're going to go get some coffee." Luke told his parents, wiping his hands off on the wash cloth next to him. He said nothing about coffee so I'm wondering what he's planning on doing here.

His parents nodded, pretty much just waving it off. They had a lot of trust in him wish made me suspect that he's never been caught. Whether it was partying or smoking, there was a lot of trust Luke had received from his parents. I liked it.

I exchanged the whole 'it was so nice to meet you' type of conversation that everyone has had before. While it was true, it was just not exactly necessary to me I guess. We were told to stay safe and to be home by a reasonable hour since I would still need to come back here and get my car to go home since Luke was planning on driving us both.

I waved goodbye to them as Luke shut the door behind us. He stretched out his arm as he pressed the button to unlock his car.

"So when did we decide we were getting coffee?" I asked, following him down the steps.

Luke bumped my shoulder, "I just wanted to be alone with you."

I smiled to myself, enjoying the time right now. Even though we were just getting into a car I still liked the time with him.

We drove for about 20 minutes. The closest coffee shop was maybe 5 minutes away. I didn't question him, I never did. Because his ideas were usually better than mine since he's just a bit more fun than me. I'm just the sensible one here.

Luke pulled onto a gravel road. I haven't been down this part of town very often, but I have recently. This road leads to a rope swing and rocks that you can jump off of into a part of the lake. I went there for the first time over spring break and I'm wondering why I'm down here again.

He pulls up into the empty "parking lot" which was just a ton of gravel right by the rope swing. Obviously, no one was here and it was already dark out side and he turned his car off when he parked so now it was practically pitch black.

I looked around, my eyes adjusting to the light. "What are we doing?" I asked, taking off my seat belt as he was too.

He shifted in his seat, turning to face me to where he could see me just a little better. He shrugged, "Getting coffee."

After the words left his mouth I found his hand placed lightly on my cheek and his lips on mine.


i leave you hanging for 3 months with a cliff hanger i apologize


i really really wanted to apologize for being on hiatus for so long, i sort of needed to get my life together. i've been balancing a really hard school year with a crazy family situation and a relationship and my sport and dang it's been really really crazy and i've had time for literally nothing, but i've been finding some as my practices are coming to a close and school is sort of slowing down. i will say that this doesn't mean i'll be updating regularly again, but it won't be 4 months in between updates!

again, i'm sorry about the wait and i'm extremely glad people are still reading my stories! i hope u like this fam, ily

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