Chapter 4

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Xiu stood a few paces away from the table out in the courtyard, gently checking on her tea trees. Her younger sister sat on the chair and fiddled with her embroidery.

"Young misses!" They both turned to look. Ai Chun quickly ran up to them,"The Lord is bringing the guest this way," she said, trying to catch her breath.

Xiu turned back to her tea trees.

"Is it a man or woman?" Ju Fang asked curiously.

"A man, young miss Ju Fang," Ai Chun answered.

"A man!" She dropped her embroidery on the table and quickly fixed her hair and dress. "Is he young or old?" she quickly continued.

"That ...I am not sure young miss"

"Tsk, you are no good Ai Chun" she said and continued to smooth down her hair.

"Young miss-"

"Shhhhh" Xiu cut her off.




"Shh" she turned to glare at Ai Chun, "I. Need. Peace and quiet with my tea..." she whispered at the end.

"Shhh" she said then turned back to her sweeties. Xiu beamed at how splendid and beautiful her tea trees had grown. They even sprouted little flowers! Oh the joy!

"Ahhhh, here they are!" Xiu heard her father's loud booming voice called out and she skillfully pulled back her somber expression. "What perfect luck that you both are together today" he continued.

Xiu turned around and politely bowed her head in greeting towards her father and the guest. Ju Fang did the same, she stood up and bowed.

"This is the young lord of Liu. Liu Wu Kai, he will be staying with us for awhile"

"Greetings young lord" Ju Fang smiled sweetly and bowed, "I am Xue Ju Fang, the second young miss"

"Greetings, I am Xue Xiu, the first young miss" she greeted him with deference and a nonchalant bow.

"Greetings to you both" he answered.

"Ah, that's right, Ju Fang why don't you show me the cloth that you were talking about earlier, as I have time now"

"But! Father, what about young lord Liu?" Ju Fang batted her eyes at the man and smiled.

"Oh, uh, Xiu show our guest to his room. Why not show him around while you are at it" her father said as he took hold of Ju Fang's hand and dragged her away.

Xiu thought twas odd how her father had acted, but brushed the thought aside and bowed her head towards her father as he took his leave. She is more worried about her small tea trees; it has taken her almost three years to grow them. Flowering means she can soon plant more!

"Ts ...ahem" she cleared her throat quickly for she almost clicked her tongue. She sighed inside. Why cannot they leave her alone to have just a few hours with her tea and peace?

Xiu turned to look at the man with a cool and collected face, "Please do follow me, Milord"

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