"Well, of course you are. I mean I haven't asked you yet, but I thought it was obvious that we would go together." 

"What if I say no?"

"You won't."Normani ran her tongue over her teeth, studying Camila for a second. The dark skinned girl smirked, pointing her fork at Camila. "Because if you don't go... I don't go and I really want to go."

"Is that right?"

"Mhm, come on its gonna be fun. We'll eat all the chicken wings and then booty pop a lil' to Beyoncé and after we can... ."

"What makes you think that they'll play Beyoncé?" Camila laughed, shacking her head at the girl opposite her. 

Normani blinked, open mouthed for several long moments before she brought her hand to her chest, staring at the Cuban like she had just uttered the meanest insult she knew. "How dare you...? Only because we are sort of stuck in the 18th century doesn't mean we cant listen to good music, okay." 

Camila chuckled at the offended look she was being given. "Whatever... I still think you should take someone you actually want to go with and not just because you pity them."

"Bitch, I don't pity you." Normani retorted, throwing a piece of broccoli at the brunette. "I am taking you because I want to go with you. You are like... the funniest and the dorkiest person I know. It wont be any fun if you don't go."

"Aww... you love me." Camila drawled, sweetly batting her eyelashes at the other Slytherin.

"Your so weird!" Normani retorted, rolling her eyes in return. 

"Your weird... ."

"Hey... ." Normani said, as her face suddenly turned serious. "Jauregui is starring at you, again. You think she is planning something?"  

Camila turned around curiously, to look at Lauren, only to catch the girl staring. Her head was resting in the palm of her hand, as she seemed to be in some sort of reverie, when her eyes suddenly grew big and she looked away, blushing.

Camila didn't know why, but since last night something had shifted between them. They had talked in to the early hours of the morning, just chilling at the lake and later Lauren had even walked her back to the Slytherin common room. She had almost wanted to ask her if she could keep the Hoodie since the girl already had one of her shirts, but she still wasn't a 100% sold on Lauren being honest. It was better to keep her distance then get kicked in the ass for trusting her later.

"Is- Is she blushing?" Normani asked in disbelieve and confusion, as her eyebrows scrunched together like this was some sort of foreign concept to her.

"Huh- I think she is... ?"

"What the hell? What- Why would she... unless... Okay, Mila... what am I missing here?" Normani asked, her eyes narrowing on the brunette opposite her like she was missing a crucial detail.

"Nacho business." Camila smirked, holding up one of her Nachos, before putting it in her mouth.

"I swear, I will kick your butt Camila... Don't you remember what she has done?"

"What? I didn't say anything!"

Camila didn't have to say anything. Normani could read her like a book and what she was reading at the moment, she did not like. Camila was about as subtle as a sledgehammer when it came to her feelings. 

"You don't have to Mila... I know you."

Camila rolled her eyes exaggeratedly at Normani's response. "Whats that supposed to mean?" Camila asked incredulously, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

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