(You took yan-chan's spots in all and Tarō is replaced by Amai)

(Couldn't find a Yandere sim one, you are left and Kizana is right).

I danced with the boys afterwards and had a great time until the singing competition came on.

"Alright, what group wants to go against another group? Or person against a person? Perhaps a person against a group?" The dj asked and multiple people raised their hands. "Groups over there, people over there and spectators in the middle!" He cheered and we separated but Kizana grabbed my arm. "Let's go to the group!" "Wh-What?" "Come on! While Oka doesn't want to sing, she'll cheer you on! So it's just us five." "O-Okay..." I said and walked there with her as the separation finished and he nodded. "We have more people than groups so we'll have them first, prepare to be here for a while, and songs with cussing are allowed, just tell me it so I can have the beat!" He said and everyone cheered as Yui went up against Kokona first.

By the time it was the group people's turns to sing, everyone was still pumped as I was getting a bit more confident. "Alright, Musume and her group, who would you like to face?" "(Y/n)'s group." "Alright, take stage!" We nodded and walked to the stage as I knew what song I would sing.











Everyone was shocked at my song besides the girls who were proud of me until the gym exploded with laughter. "Great job. Really spoke your mind." "What do you mean? I just want the first song that came to my mind." "Well it worked for them well." Oso smirked at them while I saw the five pissed.

"Alright everyone, vote on the winning group!" The dj called as people checked their papers for who they thought won.

"And it seems that (Y/n)'s group won by a landslide! Who do you want to go against?" The names and portraits of people appeared in a large screen as we were deciding. "Why not the rainbow girls?" Kizana asked and we nodded. "Rainbow girls." I called and they nodded while the floor was cleared for us. This time just seemed to be girls against girls until all the girl groups were done. We had won each round as we were congratulated by our opponents.

"Thank you. You did great too!" I smiled to the last group while the dj said it was the boy's turns. We stepped away as their brothers got on the floor, annoyed. "They agreed to sing? Interesting." Oso said, seeing her brother absolutely pissed off. I went to Musume's group without the girls noticing and spoke. "I'm sorry about what song I sang. I didn't think it would offend you and it was the first song that came into my mind." I apologized as they turned to me. "Whatever." Musume said and I saw the girls notice I was gone. They seemed to be looking for me as I giggled. "If there's a way I can make it up, please tell me. I don't want to be rude but I need to go back to the girls." They nodded as some blush seemed to be growing slowly on Hoshiko's cheeks. I went back to the girls as Oso grabbed my shoulders. "Where did you go?" "I went to apologize to Musume and her group." "Tell us next time. We don't need to worry about you." I smiled and nodded as I looked back and noticed that Hoshiko was still blushing while staring at me. Oso looked to and glared at her while she seemed to snap back to reality there. "Don't worry us... again... please (Y/n)..." "I won't. Sorry, I didn't think I would." I said and hugged Oka and the others. They hugged back as we went back to paying attention to their brothers.

I cheered on their brothers, finding them great singers as they easily beat their enemies. There was one exception to the end if this though and that's when everything got interesting. It was the delinquents against the student council. Every member while people were split in who to vote for. "Alright, we have a tie..." The dj said and one final person voted. "Oh, the Student Council win!" He announced and everyone nodded while the boys turned to me. I looked at them, confused as Megamo approached. "We want to hear you sing again..." "At the video game section. I'm sure she'll sing then Megamo." Megami said and I nodded.

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