Chapter 4 : Skylar Carson, Life Before Fame

Start from the beginning

“You don’t only look just like her, you’re stubborn just like her. I’m Wesley Smith, I knew your mother when she was your age. Might I add that you’re a splitting image of her.” I nodded to indicate that I was bored but on the inside was practically bouncing with excited. This guy knew my mother when she was my age. I could ask him everything about her teenage years.


“Then, he told me to grow up! How could he? What did I do wrong…sigh Cass I don’t know what to do anymore!” Skylar recounted what had happened earlier in the afternoon between Wes and her. Cassandra Nolan was Skylar’s best friend and one of the most popular girls in school because of her father, Daniel Nolan, the owner of Nolan Stables, one of the most lucrative local animal stable. Cassandra nodded with sympathy and rubbed the side of Skylar’s arm comfortingly.

“Hey, he’s a jerk alright? Don’t worry about him, he’s probably being a douche.” She stretched over to her nightstand and grabbed her stash of break up candy. This wasn’t necessarily a break up but it was close to one. You see, Skylar fancied Wesley ever since they had met. She was certain he felt the same but obviously that wasn’t the case. Cassandra knew about this being Skylar’s closest friend.

Cassandra and Skylar first met in primary school when they were both 10, they instantly clicked due to their love of books and their mixed heritage. Cass was half American, half Indian while Skylar was half English, half Indian. Ever since then, they were inseparable. Even in their group of friends, which consisted of Ellie, Reyna and the two of them, those two were the closest. Cass was the one who pulled Skylar out of her shell, which was why Skylar mostly trusted Cass and kept her guard up with the rest of her classmates.

Little did Skylar know that, Cass was the one who gave her everything and at the same time, she had the power to take everything away. Cass stole Wes from right under her nose a few years later and Skylar had no idea until she got the invite to their engagement party.


“Vanellope Carson. Not so nice to meet you. If Mom never mentioned you, she probably hates you so don’t take a personal offence if I’m being impolite.” I told him after violently debating internally with myself about whether I should talk to him or not. His light eyes reminded me of Henry’s so which essentially swayed me to at least talk to the guy. He seemed impressed enough that I was such a headstrong person, just like my mother. I internally smiled at myself for being like Mom. I excused myself from him and went over to sit with my family. Minutes later, the doctor came out looking grim.

“Family of Skylar Carson?” Dad and Aunt Qis immediately stood up.

“Good news, is that she is no longer in critical condition. Bad news is that she is in a sleep-induced coma to help her rest and she will not wake up for at least another day or so. Only family members are allowed to visit; two people in the room at a time.” He told us and with that, Dad and Aunt Qis rushed into the room without another word. Blake and I decided to take a peek inside the room from the small window on the door while Dyl and Q were sleeping. The moment I peaked in, I immediately felt depressed. Mom was on the bed, looking paler than usual (mind she’s half Indian so she isn’t exactly the palest person around), Dad was clutching on to her hand hanging on to her for his dear life, now that was love, you could see my Dad’s love for her in her eyes and Aunt Qis was cussing under her breath and I could practically hear her threating Mom if she doesn’t wake up.  I stepped away from the window to give Dad and Aunt Qis some space even though I wasn’t technically invading their personal space but it felt like I was intruding on something personal.

I opted to join my other two siblings for a nap while Blake decided to take a walk. Blake was always the type who could never sit still. For as long as I could remember Blake and I were the closest to each other out of the four of us. We were all pretty close but Blake and I were close. Close as in he knew exactly when my period would roll around so that he’d get ready the goodies and not have to deal with an unhappy, moody me. We were so close, I’m the only one who knows about the first time he got a boner; hell, I had to be the one to explain what it was to him because I was the most mature and well read out of all my siblings. To say it was the most horrifying and awkward conversation to have with my brother was the understatement of the year.

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