Chapter 32

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Maria's P.O.V (Mia's older sister)

"Hey emma"She stares at me blankly for a second before smiling,realising its me.

"Oh hey,sorry thought you were someone else..."Ok....she looks abit on edge....maybe shes always like that?

"How was your weekend?" I say trying to make conversation.After i met emma at tiyla's house i havent really talked to her at all.

"Yeah it was ok i guess? how abut you?"She says continuing to walk.

"Really boring besides watching Marissa Stevens fight against Ivy Maloski"Her eyes go wide with shock.

"You watch kick boxing?"I nod that bad?

"Yeah I love it,never missed a fight.why is that bad?"She immediately shakes her head.

"No sorry if i said it like that,im just shocked"

"Its ok alot of people are shocked when i tell them i watch kick boxing.They instantly think i eat salad and watch the kardashians"Its true.People always assume im that girl which im not.Im the total opposite.Yeah ok my image may look like im a snoby bitch but again im not.

"crape sorry maria"She instantly apologises.

"No worries im used to it"

"i mean i dont even know you fully so i should have been open minded but i have to admitt im pretty shocked and surprised"I shrug.

"Hey we all have our opinions"

" kick boxing aye?"

"Yeah you watch?"

"Never missed a fight"She says repeating my words from earlier.

"Yay! I finally have someone to rant to!"She laughs at my relieved state.

"I guess you do"I have this feeling that we will be great friends.....

"Seriously?"Her voice annoyed and angry.I look to where shes looking and see a couple making out.ok no shame then....

"Ok just make out like no ones watching"I say hopeing they heard me.nope they havent moved.

"James move the hell away from my locker"Her words full of pure hatred.James? hey isnt that....ohhh...

"Thats tiyla's brother?"I ask just to make sure.

"Sadly yes"Her sarcasm is so full of annoyance that i hope isnt directed towards me.

"Im not going to say it again"The girl i think kate? pulls away and glares at the both of us.

"Cant you just leave"Her judgemental eyes eyeing us from head to toe.

"cant you just leave " Emma says,clearly not in the mood for her.well this is getting intense quickly.....

"Think your so tough aye kamson? But really your this lonely pathetic loser who lost her best friend to a hotter and prettier girl than you"Emma shakes her head.

"I dont actually and yes i lost my best friend but that was along time ago,whatever game you played back then you won and you know it so whatever you want from me you already have so i dont know what you could possibly want from me"she stares hard into kates eyes.

"Just leave her alone"Tiyla's brother finally speaks up.

"Why do you care?"kate snaps.His eyes fill with anger.

"You know what? you's arent even worth my time"Emma rolls her eyes,walking off.I give a disgusted look at them and leave to catch up with emma.Wow i can tell theres a story.....

Austin's P.O.V

It took everything in me to not go after her and apologise but i knew i'd make things worse.Emma didnt deserve what kate had said to her.she didnt lose me.I lost her because i was an Idiot and let popularity get to my head.......

The way she is now is because of me........Its all my fault.....

"Oh lighten up yous are done"Kate snorts.

"I said i would do anything you said but this is just too far"My voice cracking slightly from anger.she rolls her eyes.

"And need i remind you i have a certain photo that holds your future so if i were you i'd shut it"She snaps.My stupid decisions just keep coming dont they?

Over the years i have tried to talk to emma but always chickened out in the last minute.......

But what i did to her was so low of me........and unforgiveable...

Flash back (two years ago,after his mum left)

"Hey emma"One of the boys calls her.She whips around and smiles brightly when she sees me.

"This is going to be so good"Emma says evily.My mind was so lost i didnt even know what they were on about.

"Hey! whats up?"She says happily.

"Why are you here?"kate snaps.

"you called-"

"Your so ugly you know that?"emmas facials go from happy to hurt.

"Yeah and that jumper your wearing is so out of fashion"

"Those jeans make you look fat"Her eyes start to tear up but she fights to keep them in.

"Tell her austin,tell her you dont like her that yous arent best friends anymore,and shes not pretty enough for you"kate whispers.My lips move before i can think about it.

"I dont like you emma,we're not best friends anymore your not pretty enough.Dont talk to me ever again"Everyone starts to laugh,a massive crowd had formed making the laughter louder.Emma lets her tears fall,her eyes meet mine and all i see is how hurt she looks.....those once blue eyes that were always so bright were now full of sadness and embarrassment.

"You-you promised wouldnt leave me........i-i hate you!"She stutters out before pushing her way through the massive crowd......

Flashback over

The look on her face made me feel like i was getting stabbed over and over.It hurt to see her like that and knowing it was me that caused it hurt even more.

All because of me.....she had tried to help me....but i pushed her away.....the only person who cared......that i trusted and i lost her because i let popularity and my mum leaving me get to me.

I had lost her and didnt even try to get her back.........I had broken the promise we both never leave each other.....i was afraid she would leave me but it ended up being me leaving her.....

She was the best best friend i had ever had.......and now theres probably zero chance she would ever forgive me and i dont blame her I wouldnt forgive me if i was her....

I stuffed up big time but i want to make things right.Hopping that maybe,she will want to aswell......

Its never to late right?

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