Chapter 6

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Tiyla's P.O.V

I walk back out to the kitchen where nell is,staring off into the distance.

"Nell"She looks over to me and folds her arms,a habbit she has when she wants to apologise.

"Tiyla I wanted to apologise....For firing you with questions,its none of my buisness and i should just stay out of it"I smile.

"Its ok.....Nell its nice to know you got my back though....and i appreciate it alot"She pulls me into a really tight hug, and we just stand there hugging.

"should we go check on them its been awhile"I shake my head.

"nah leave them"

"Omg lets watch the mentalist!"I roll my eyes,nell loves the mentalist and i mean to the point where she kissed my tv screen thats how much she loves that tv program.

30 minutes later

"He should be fine now his temperture is down and hes not puking when he drinks so he should be fine"emma says walking into the sittingroom.

"Oh thats good.Thank you emma so much,i know yous dont get along because hes a douche"Emma smiles.

"Its ok if its one of my sisters friends who i dont hate and is a bitch im happy to help"nell stares at her sister,confused.

"em i only have one friend and thats tiy"

"I know im just saying"Nell shrugs.

"well missy we need to go its getting late"I walk them to the door,and thank emma one more time and tell nell I'll be at school twomorrow,her response was "you better be or I'll drag you there". what an amazing non-violent best friend i have! not.



"Hey come on lets go"i put one of austins arms over my shoulder and push him up onto his knees.

"What are you doing?"he says sleepily.

"come on you need a good rest"We stagger out of the bathroom,up the stairs and into his room.I pull back his blankets and slowly lay him down.

"Your waters here and tablets,just call me if you need anything ok?"He stares at me but quickly nods.

"goodnight austin"i dont know if i should kiss his forehead or hug him so i just slightly brush his hair and walk out.

Plomping on my bed i let out a huge sigh.

Who knew looking after a 16 year old teenage boy could be so tireing? Well now i know what to expect for next time which im hopping doesnt happen.The thought of why i helped him lingers in the back of my mind.Could it possibly be because i do care about my big brother well no doubt i do,even if he hardly talks to me.

once upon a time me and austin used to be close.yes its that situation where your brother turns into a douche as soon as he goes to high school.Things changed and before i knew it he was just ignoring me.I would ask him,why? but he would just say leave me alone....

This was around the time my mum left us.austin just went into shut down mode.....I kept telling myself its because of mum,its her fault hes not talking to me but i soon came to realise that it wasnt just was his reputation at school.I was the freak or weirdo because i looked nothing like austin which then makes me a freak and weirdo apparently.

My dad was nowhere to be seen as his work piled up or so he says but i know he asked for extra hours even he doesnt say he does i know.

You could say my life is messed up or weird but its my life and i cant change that.maybe i can but sadly someone is in the way of that.I have to play my cards right in order to make sure she doesnt run her mouth and other things.Sometimes i wish she knew nothing about me and my family and maybe life could be easier.

Who am i talking about you ask? well its kate franchen.If you connect the dots you'll see what im talking about.Sooner or later she will talk and i have to stop her,well try.No one messes with my one.

The hard but weird thingsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon