Chapter 30

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Rhece's P.O.V

The car ride home is silent.I always look in the rearview mirror to see tiyla just staring outside like everything around her is lifeless.

I still cant wrap my head around what she tried to do.......I mean if i wasnt there she-stop thinking like that shes here now and thats all that matters.

I know but she tried to commit suicide for christs sake!!! and i dont even know why!! Im her guardian and im supposed to look after her! But instead I let her nearly commit suicide!

I could of lost her......Tiyla is like a little sister to me.......and from now on i will not let her go down that path again.Im going to be that someone she needed when growing up.

I feel guilty not telling austin that his own sister nearly killed herself.......Its not my right to say anything and i know austin will blow up like i did and i dont think she needs that right now....But i want to help her and with austin knowing maybe he can start acting more like he gives a damn about her.

Tiyla better not think we are done talking because this is just the beginning.

The thought of her jumping sends chills down my spine.I shake the thought away and hop out of the car,looking at tiyla walk towards the house emotionless and lost....

Tiyla's P.O.V

As soon as we get home i walk straight to my room.

I stare blankly at my phone which keeps lighting up.

Are you ok?

Tiy whats going on?

Why were you crying?

Tiy please dont shut me out

Shutting people out.Ive been doing this for years.Letting people in just seemed so foreign to me now that people seemed to care about me.

Its weird how things get hard and people start to care.Its the weird but hard things right?

What happened to being there for someone through thick and thin or from the beginning to end?

Or having their backs when they were needed?

Was it all just a bunch of lies that people made up just to make others feel better?

Because if it was it worked. knowng it was made up just makes you feel like crape.I know because thats how i feel now.....but its slowly going away like it never was there.....

My head starts to pound with all these thoughts popping up.Aswell as my head my heart feels the same.A problem free life is what i crave for and i could have had it.......but maybe i still can..........Not right now since rhece will be watching me like a hawk......It may take awhile but im willing to wait.I will be free......soon.....

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