Ch. 1

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"Is he dead?" Em asked as Kong check the pulse of a body they came across on their way back from the pharmacy.

"No not yet but his pulse is weak, we have to get him to the hospital" Kong answered, luckily his house was close by.

"Help me carry him to my car. Quickly Em he may not make it if we're not fast enough" Kong felt a sense of responsibility towards the guy.

They hoist him unto Kong's back and he literally ran to his car.  The distance to the emergency room felt like the journey to Mordor, it took a lifetime. On arriving, the guy was whisk off by the doctors to be treated. Kong waited impatiently outside, he checked his watch, he could not stay, he had to get the medicine to his mom ASAP. Deciding he would come back tomorrow to check on the guy, Kong left and head home.

That night sleep became a foreign concept for Kong, it would not come. He tossed and turned in bed as images of the guy kept appearing. Even covered in blood and dirt it was quite evident how breathtakingly beautiful he was. His nose was so straight, his lips were plump and red and his skin was white and velvety. He was a masterpiece no doubt about that, but the thing that mostly kept Kong up was the possessive pull and innate desire to protect this stranger. It was confusing Kong that he never met this person before yet he had such a strong pull towards him. Looking over at the clock Kong willed himself to sleep with a promise that he will try to find out more tomorrow.

The Next day

"That can't be right I dropped him off last night" More confusion added to Kong's already confused brain, street side guy was missing.

"Do you know his name?" The nurse asked


"Did you sign any paperwork for him?"


"Then I'm afraid there is nothing I can do for you" The nurse would not budge.

"Please, but can you at lease check if there was a patient that got dropped of last night that seem to have been mugged?" Kong begged in his desperation.

"I'm sorry, no" the nurse wasn't having it, she walked away.

Kong watch as she disappeared behind the door in the office. He was sure he dropped the guy off; he has the bloody shirt to show and the mess in his car as proof. However, according to the hospital this guy don't exist. 

He was curious and when he is curious he has to satisfy his curiosity. He stalked the hospital, he pretended to be a visitor, he did anything he could think of that could keep him in and/or around the hospital. He did this for over a week and it became quite evident with each passing day that street side guy was not there. It's as if that night didn't happened at all. Kong started to second guess his memory, there was parts of it missing and sometimes he felt he dreamt up the whole thing. If not for his bloody shirt and car he would have thought it was indeed a dream.

"Em you were there that night weren't you?" Kong asked his best friend who came over to play video games.

"What night?" Em asked not looking away from the screen.

"That night when mae as sick and we went to get medicine"


"What do you remember happened?" Kong wanted to see if there memories aligned.

"What do you mean what happen? We got the meds came back and I beat you 2-nil in FIFA" Em answered amused at his weird acting friend.

Kong dropped the control, "Oi you're going to crash what are you doing?!" Referring the the game of NFS they are currently playing.

"Em look at me" Kong said, all color drained from his face. This can't really be happening can it?

"Dude you're being weird" Em looked at his friend suspiciously

"Em you don't remember we found a guy on the side of the road and brought him to the hospital?" Kong asked weakly, how can it be that he is the only one to remember.

"Dude are you alright? I told you not to study so hard now you're going loony, it's getting to you." Em half joked

Kong shook his head in an effort to unscramble his jumbled thoughts, "Em can we finish this match some other day? I think I don't feel so well."

"You okay man? You don't look so good. Should I call you're mom?" Em asked worried.

"Nah i'm fine I just need to lay down for a bit" The more and harder he thought about it the more it made his head hurt. 

"Ok, call me later ok, I'm seriously starting to worry about you." With that Em left.

Finally alone with his thoughts Kong was able to go over the events of that night. It was all clearly replaying in his mind. As vivid as the game paused on his TV screen. Why then is Em and the nurse and the hospital denying it and acting like it never happened?

Regardless of what he is being told Kong has a strong feeling he cannot explain. That night when he touched the guy he felt the static and it started something in his chest. It's like something came alive in him. He felt.... he felt like that guy belonged to him and he must protect him, he felt a sense of urgency like he had to save him, he felt an unexplainable connection to a complete stranger. Now that street side guy was unaccounted for he felt like a piece of him was missing. He felt incomplete and if he thought about it enough he felt like something was faintly pulling at him.

Kong couldn't put it in words nor was he able to make sense of it. He did not know him, he has never met him or seen him before. Yet the face of this guy now haunts him every second of his days. Awake his face was all he could see and when he did sleep he would wake up in the middle of the night by a piercing pain in his chest, drenched in sweat and the vision of a bright blue floating light would be the last thing he sees in his dreams.

His curiosity is getting the best of him, he is determined to get to the bottom of this. Kong stared at his laptop screen as he looked at the pictures. He pulled up the application form and filled it out. He was determine to find the mystery boy. He knows he exist, he knows he was there, he held him, carried him. He felt he belonged to him and though it was not on the news and there is no record of him in the hospital Kong knew what he saw and did. He knew he existed and he will find him.

Kong made up his mind he was going to find this guy no matter what it takes. He may not have a name but he does have something to start with he just have to wait one year and if he is lucky he will still be there. Kong stared at the shirt's crest of the school of engineering. Street side guy had it on which means he's a student there and that is where Kong would start.

 Street side guy had it on which means he's a student there and that is where Kong would start

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A/N: So I have this KongArt idea dancing around in my head. I've been on the fence about publishing it, very hesitant about returning to wp and contemplated deleting my profile a few times. Anyways

So here we go. I hope you enjoy!

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