"Damn, still can't decide." Kizana said and the others nodded. I went back in and wore one of the dresses. "I kinda like this one..." I said, and they looked. "You do... look cute... why not..?" Oka asked and I blushed a bit. "So that dress? Alright, let's go!" Kizana said and Asu stopped her from dragging me. "She needs to change out Kizana. Calm down." "Right. We'll pick you from your house on Friday." I nodded to Kizana and changed out as I put the other four dresses away.


"I can't wait to see your dress!" Hanakō said and I blushed as I nodded. "Y-Yeah..." "Whats wrong?" "Well... this is gonna be my first dance... So I'm going to be very uncomfortable." "Don't worry. No one should judge you." "R-Right." I said and Hanakō hugged me as his sister skipped to us. "Hi (Y/n), hi Hanakō." "Hi Nako." We said and she smiled. "You aren't gonna see her dress until she enters the dance." Nako said to her brother and Hanakō pouted. "Why not?" "Because you're going to be surprised. The other seven are going to be surprised too." She said and we got to school. I saw the other girls with their brothers and they seemed disappointed.

They looked and saw us as I smiled to them. Kizano immediately walked up to me as the two next to me walked away to hang out with Tarō. "Hello Juliet." "Hi Kizano." I said and he smiled while bringing me away. "So what's your dress look like?" "Didn't Kizana tell you it was going to be a surprise?" "Yes, but I want to know." "You'll know after school." I pat his head as he pouted but sighed. "Oh alright. What does your mask look like?" "I actually never took a picture of it... I'll send you a picture after school." He nodded and hugged me by my waist. "Do you have to go to your job after school?" "No, I told the boss about the dance and he said that I'll have today off and obviously the contest days off. Same with Ayano." Kizano nodded and put his face in my neck. "K-Kizano? What are you doing? People will get the wrong idea." I said and he smiled against my skin and backed up after a minute. "I'm hugging a beauty." He said and I blushed. "I told you to stop practicing your lines on me!" I said and he smiled. "I know, but you just look too cute to stop." I rolled my eyes as the bell rang. "Oh, class time." I said and went to Mrs Kinaki's class. I skipped in and to my desk as Osano was also here.

"Hey (Y/n)." "Hey Osano." I said and he smiled. "Let me get this, you are going to the dance, just with our sisters as friends?" "And you eight too. You're my friends too." The other people that heard that held back laughter as Osano blushed. "Osano? Are you sick?" "I'm fine!" He yelled as I was confused. "Then why did you suddenly become red?" "No reason..." He muttered and I pet his hair. "Just don't get sick." "Right." He said and I smiled as we were ready for class.

"I assume everyone that is going to the dance has a mask?" We nodded and she nodded before going to teach the lesson.


When I opened my locker, I saw a couple notes fall out of my locker and stared confused as Kizano was next to me, equally as confused. I picked one up and read it. "Oh..." "What?" "It's a secret admirer... That's weird..." I muttered as I had grabbed the lunches. "Well, here you go. I'll check these out after school." I said and put them back on the small pile there. Kizano nodded as we walked to the roof. I smiled while feeding Kizano and he fed me after a bit. He smiled to me and pet my hair as I swallowed the food. "What are you smiling at?" "Oh nothing." He said and continued to feed me until my container was empty.

"Thanks Kizano." "Yep." He said and I fed him again. He smiled to me and hugged me as his container was empty. He pet my hair and muttered something about killing. "Kizano?" "Yes?" "What about killing were you talking about?" "Oh I'm just being killed to know your dress." "Well it's almost after school." "I know. But I just want to know." "Well I'm not telling you." I said and he frowned as he started to tickle me. "Ki-Kizano! Stop it! That tickles!" I said, laughing in between words and he spoke. "I will if you tell me or show me what your dress is like~." "Never!" I said and held his arms to stop him. I got back my breath and puffed out my cheeks. "That wasn't funny." "You're right. It was adorable." He said and I rolled my eyes before the bell rang. "Oh." I said and Kizano nodded as he handed me back my container.

Heartfelt Love (Male Rivals x Reader) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon