"Too long and more than I thought it would be, they sent me out there with little to no information almost got a nigga killed and everything but it's whatever I'm here with you and my kids now and that's all that matters." He leaned in kissing my lips sending a chill down my spine.

God how I missed his lips on mine, his hands caressing my body, his minty breath against my face in morning when I'm sleeping, I was more than excited to have him back in my reach where he belonged.

"Dammit Smiley where the hell is that ambulance, if my fucking baby come out on this bed I'm kicking your ass!" I couldn't help but laugh because I knew Smiley was about to snap of his ass.

"Nigga you ain't gone fuck with me, it's not me driving the damn things it's them so you need to be kicking they ass, don't come for me black ass boy I'll choke yo no neck having ass!" Smiley yelled back, I couldn't help but laugh which caused more fluids to gush out.

"How you choke a nigga with no neck, that shit don't even make sense?"

"Y'all gotta stop I can't be laughing at y'all ass and trying not to have this baby, we should be thinking of baby names because right now we don't have one and I need a distraction."

I tried coming up with a few names while Major was gone so that when he came back he didn't have a say, it was me being petty because he had to leave but I didn't work. Everything name I came up with the kids would shot it down and say they didn't like it so I was stuck at square one.

"Why don't we decide when we see him, I don't wanna give him a name that doesn't fit." Major said and I agreed.

"Or her." I could tell he was hoping for a another boy but I was hoping for a girl.

"Well they better get here soon because the pain is starting to kick in and I don't think I can deal with it." No sooner than the words left my lips the Smiley was coming in with two first responders. "Here they slow ass go, let me sister or her baby not be okay cause y'all mutherfuckers wanna eat donuts and shit, I'm suing. "Man shut up something really wrong with you." I said trying to control my laughter.

"How you doing so far?" One of the paramedics asked making his way over to me. "Are you having any contractions?" I shook my head no. "Any sharp pains or other pains you wanna tell me about?"

"I'm getting a little scared because I know that it's too early and if anything goes wrong I could lose my baby, I don't want to lose my baby Smith." He looked down to see me reading his name tag and laughed.

My doctor assured me that if anything went out of whack that I could possibly lose my baby and even lose my own life and that was the most scariest thing ever. I had already gone through so much to bring this child into the world there was no way in hell I was losing it all, no fucking way.

"I don't want you worrying about that, we're gonna take great care of you and your baby I just need you to trust that we got okay?" I was a bit hesitate about agreeing until Major grabbed my hand assuring me that he was right by my side and didn't plan on leaving.

"We're gonna move you so that we can get going, like I said before we're gonna take great care of you just stay calm and relaxed we'll do the rest."

After getting me in the ambulance the paramedics got me hooked up and ready to be transported to the hospital, Major hopped in swearing not to leave my side while Smiley stayed back to call the family and let them know I was in labor.

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