Roxy x fem!reader

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Me: this is like the other perspective of "Dirk x reader [SADSTUCK]"

Roxy's P. O. V. (misspelling is on purpose this time)

I wuus loking 4 Dirky.

Was* looking* lol

He promised 2 hang out todyay *today*. Oh there he is, whose the gurl he'z  talkin to she'z hawt.

I run up 2 them "DIIIIIIIRK! DIIRK! DIRKY!" I silde in front ov zem.

Of* them* lmao

Normal P. O. V.

The drunk blond slides in front of the two and got between them.

"MOG DURK! Whoz da QT?" She yelled making you blush. "Um, my name's Y/n." Roxy introduced herself with a spark in her eyes, neither of the girls noticed the annoyed Strider waiting for them to finish talking and finally notice him.

Time skip to a few months:

Roxy's P. O. V.

I'm sooooo gay for Y/n, even tho she's sarcastic she dose care a lot and even got me to stop drinking.

Rn we're having a party, it's 2 crowded, I can't find Y/n or Dirk. It's getting stuffy in here, I go outside 2 both Dirk and Y/n not so far away.

"No peeking."

"Dude you put a blindfold over my eyes, I can't see shit."

Wut is Dirk doing, what, what, what is he doing? (anyone got that referenc). He's gonna ruin his chances with Jake!

"You better be wearing clothes when I take this off."

"No promises. Alright now stay still."

He was inching closer to her face, he was going 2 kiss her! OMG I gotta do something!

I ran 2 them in the speed of light and jup-kicked Dirk away from Y/n and kissed her, she tastes like (favourite fruit or candy), we parted and she took of her blindfold.

"Holy shit." Is the first thing she said b4 I kissed her again, this time she pulled me closer to her.

"Wanna ditch dis party?"

"Sure, I'll wait for you in the car." She said and left.

Now it was just me and Dir who was dusting himself off.

"Lalonde, what the fuck?!"

"Listen here Dirk, you are in a love triangle with Jake and Jane and I have to be the awkward thirdwheel that gets ignored and now that there's somebody that likes me you try to get inbetween, WELL NOT ON MY WATCH STIDER!" And then I got to the car where Y/n was waiting, I got into the passenger seat and buckled up as Y/n drove to my place where we cuddled and played with my cats.

I luv her <3

Me: that's all folks.

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