Young!rebel?Kankri x human!fem!reader

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Me: WARNING: this is not based on the real story, I just made a young OOC Kankri storie and the song isn't for anything, really. Enjoy!!!


The young red blooded troll was skating to his hive like usual, his so-called-friends ignored him, his luses was a good crab-dad, but now that Karkat was hatched  (get it? No? Just me? Okey.) he barely spends time with him.

Kankri didn't mind at all, Karkat is a grub, so it doesn't bother him, tho thought his ancestor didn't care at all, he was probably out with Disciple or something right now.

As he got inside, he was greeted with silence, no one was there. Kankri had enough, everyone was leaving him and now it was time for him to leave them.

Time skip when Kankri gets to Earth:

After a fun trip to Earth, Kankri was taking a stroll around a peaceful town, maybe there's an abandoned place he could stay. Since he wasn't paying attention, Kankri fell off his skateboard and landed on his nose.

"Hey are you okey!?" A voice yelled, the troll got up from the ground thanks to the person that approached him. "Yes.... I'm fine, thank y9u." He said to the person, that turned out to be a girl his age.

"Oh no! Your nose is bleeding!" The   h/c girl yelled, the candy red liquid oozed down his nostrils and there was a scar on the brig of his nose. "Come on, let's get you patched up." She said pulling him to a nearby forest and before he knew it, he was climbing up a wooden ladder that was leading to tree house.

Getting inside the tree house, Kankri was sat on a gigantic pillow-like bean chear, while the girl was searching inside the cupboard. "Got it!" She pulled out a first-aid kit. She cleaned up the blood and put a big pastel blue badge on his scar.

"Well, thank y9u, I'm Kankri Vantas. An6 y9u are?"

"Oh yes, my bad, I am Y/n L/n. I guess you're not from here, and I mean Earth."

"Yes y9u g9t me, I'm a runaway fr9m an9ther planet." Kankri said proudly with a superhero pose to top it. "Wow an alien,  that's so cool, wait, a runaway? You ran away from home?"

"Yup, an6 I 69n't plan 9n g9ing back."

"Why?" Kankri looked down really sad, Y/n saw that he was upset and tried to change the topic. "So Kankri, since you're new here, do you want me to show you around?" Kankri smiled. "Yes I d9, thanks."

Not much to say, but he was more than happy to stay on Earth, with you.


Me: that's all folks, if you liked it, make sure to vote and comment, good bye!

♥️♦️♠️♣️ [ Homestuck oneshots]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora