B2: Chapter 33 - Self-Made - II

Depuis le début

  "Can you move?"

  "Not easily." Kendra glanced over his shoulder at the window next to the door. It was empty, but even so, she lowered her voice a little. "I suspect you may have felt a shift in the air quality as you entered the building?"

  Jeremy nodded slowly. "...And?"

  "We aren't presently in Seattle," she explained. Of course we fuckin' aren't. Motherfucking magic. "This was the best security I could procure, given the circumstances."

  "Except it ain't, if you're callin' me," Jeremy pointed out.

  "Yes." Kendra picked up her laptop and dropped it into her bag. She got to her feet with a regal, precise air. "I fear I am no longer safe here, regardless of any otherworldly devices I might employ. I wish to depart at once."

  Jeremy scrambled up as well. He hadn't expected to be moving again so soon. His joints groaned in protest, but he couldn't exactly just stay there. Especially if the place wasn't... well, real wasn't the right word, but it definitely wasn't going to be a good place to stick around once the boss left.

  "Where are we goin'?" he asked, pulling his coat back on.

  "For the time being, I'm accepting a long-belated invitation to the Greywood," said Kendra, who picked up a thick dark winter coat from the rack by the door and slid it on. She murmured something under her breath, and her hair shifted color into a drab brown, straightening out as it went. Kendra tied it up into a bun before she opened the door. "I trust you can make the arrangements? We shouldn't linger."

  Gonna have to call in a favor... "I'll see what I can do."

  "Good." Kendra swept out of the office, Jeremy hurrying to keep up in her wake. She called down the hallway to her receptionist, letting the whole place know they were done early for the weekend and to enjoy their holiday break. As soon as the place emptied, they stepped back into the cold November chill, and Kendra locked up the door behind her.

  "It's just an empty buildin', right?" Jeremy asked as she did. "Why bother lockin' it?"

  "Appearances," she replied. She dropped the keys into her bag and pulled on a pair of thick, warm gloves. Jeremy rubbed his own hands together, wishing he had the same—and to his surprise, she produced another pair, though they could not possibly have fit in such a small bag. A pair of scarves came with it, one for her and one for himself, of a rich dark cloth that matched perfectly.

  "...Thanks." He pulled out his phone, and the gloves were even the capacitive type that could still use touch screens. Quickly, he dialed up his friend in dispatch—well, Lani's friend in dispatch, but Jeremy felt like he was owed a few favors too. "Ben, I need a car. Somethin' discreet."

  "We're tied up to hell and back," he replied. "Goddamn magic-hunting tourists. Gonna be at least thirty minutes."

  "Fuck." Jeremy glanced at Kendra, who was watching down the street with an uneasy look. "Send it out. We'll be waiting at..." He rattled off the name of a coffee shop two blocks over, just in case.

  "You got it."

  They set off, Jeremy just a few steps ahead. To his surprise, Kendra took his hand a moment later. He glanced over, and she gave a smile that read entirely fake to him. In her heels, Kendra was actually several inches taller than him, but she was walking with a slight stoop to mask the difference.

  "We're a couple," she said, and her accent was gone, replaced with a passable imitation of a Pacific Northwest accent. Jeremy could still tell she was upper-class English, but he doubted anyone else would be around long enough to notice. "We're merely out for breakfast before your day at work."

  He shrugged. "Sure, why not." The sooner we get out of here, the better.

  They hadn't made it halfway down the block before someone recognized them.

  "Hey, that's Agent Ashe!"

  Son of a bitch... Jeremy kept walking, as if he hadn't heard the man, but a small crowd was already starting to form. The streets were so crowded already, and half of the people didn't belong—tourists and pilgrims alike flocking to the city.

  "Who's that he's with?"

  "You think it's one of them?"

  Kendra squeezed his hand. "We should find somewhere more discreet," she murmured.

  Jeremy nodded. They sped up their walk, not so much that the crowd might think they were trying to run, but more than enough to outpace them.

  "She's probably awakened!"

  "Hey, how do we do it?"

  "Tell us!"

  Just keep walkin'... Jeremy took every opportunity he could to glance at the crowd—in shop windows, on corner mirrors, even in the windshield of an oncoming car. As long as he didn't turn around. To his dismay, none of them seemed to have lost interest. If anything, the crowd was growing.

  Worse, it was splitting in two. Shouts from each half began to overlap, as the people called out to the both of them.

  "You're taking her away, right? Lock her up!"

  "How do I do magic? Tell me!"

  "They're dangerous! Lock them all up!"

  Jeremy sped up a little more. "Coulda stayed in your damn office..." he muttered.

  "That might have been wise," Kendra agreed. She stumbled a little as her heel caught on a sidewalk grating, but she recovered quickly enough and didn't lose an ounce of momentum for it. "It's too late now."

  "Got any more tricks in that bag?" he asked, speaking louder to be heard over the growing shouts.

  "Not precisely," she said. She began murmuring under her breath, eyes half-closed, while Jeremy guided her down the street. He had no idea what was about to happen, but he couldn't imagine Kendra wanted to hurt any of them, so he trusted the woman. Besides, she'd asked him to keep her safe, and that was his damn job. No matter what happened, Jeremy was going to make sure Kendra Laushire made it out of the city in one piece.

  But, of course, Kendra ended up being the one to get him out in one piece.

  Just as the mob seemed about to surround them, Kendra yanked Jeremy into an alley. They were only out of sight for an instant, but it was enough. As soon as they vanished into the shadows, Kendra pulled him straight up against the wall and placed a finger on her lips.

  Jeremy didn't dare to breathe. The crowd spilled into the alley, hurrying down and across to the next street over. Kendra had put them up against a dumpster where no one was likely to walk, but even so, Jeremy felt a few people brush against his coat. No one noticed them, even though he stood only a few inches away. Soon enough, the people broke into a run, chasing nothing down the next block and out of sight.

  "...Nice trick," Jeremy sighed.

  Kendra shrugged, stepping away and brushing dust off of her jacket with a cloth. "Please inform me—"

  She broke into a fit of coughs, almost doubling over. Jeremy started forward in alarm, but she waved him off. It only took a minute for her to recover and straighten up.

  "When our vehicle arrives," she finished, patting the cloth to her mouth.

  "Fuckin' hell, are you okay?"

  "Quite fine, thank you."

  Kendra seemed about to lean against the wall, but took one look at the dirty exterior of the building and changed her mind. Jeremy shook his head and headed out to the street, where their ride had already shown up in front of the coffeeshop, just half a block away. He waved Ben over, and the man pulled up right to the curb and hopped out.

  Jeremy offered her a gloved hand, which she took gratefully. "Let's get the fuck out of here."

  Kendra nodded. The corner of her lip twitched, curling upward.


Convergence - The Last Science #2.2 - Heroes and VillainsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant