Chapter 16- I have magic

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"What did I just do?" I stood staring at Regina freaking out, of god how the hell did I just show up here. "Emma calm down it seems like you have magic of course the savior and the product of true love. You have the strongest light magic in all the realms, you must learn to control it." I stepped back not wanting to hurt her my thoughts went to Henry I should be around him like this. "Regina I need you to do me a favor I have something to do, tell  parents to take care of Henry I'll be back before they know it." I thought about the only place I knew in the Enchanted Forest, the place my parents met. I stood under the tree my father trapped my mother in scared that I might hurt someone, come on Emma get it together you can handle this. I thought to myself but nothing I can't control it, Regina could teach me magic but it always comes with a price and my family doesn't need to pay it. I get my crap together and magic myself back home, in my room of course so no one sees me. I walked downstairs my parents and Regina are talking about my magic, "Snow, Charming I need to tell you something?"

S: What is it Regina?
R: Emma has magic strong magic
S: That isn't a problem we love her either way
R: But she needs to control it before it gets out of hand, she has the strongest light magic in all the realms
S: What do you suppose we do?
R: Honestly it's up to Emma, I wasn't suppose to tell you but I thought you should know
S: Well thank you I'll talk to Emma and see what she wants to do
R: If she wants to control it my door is always open
I walked down a little further to look me being me I miss a step and slide down the steps, everyone rushes to my aid as I stumble getting up. "Honey what were you doing?" I shook my head, "It doesn't matter, what matters is that I need to control this so I don't hurt anyone Regina are you sure you want to do this?" She nodded if magic is apart of who I am then I might as well accept it, and maybe just maybe I can actually help in a way.

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