Chapter 7- Suprise Visit

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I go downstairs, Mary-Margaret it's making breakfast and David is sitting at the table reading the paper. There is a knock at the door as I go to open it I see the last person I ever expected to see. I quickly shut the door in the persons face and ran up to get Henry I handed him to Mary Margaret and told her to go to the park or something. I didn't want Henry here when I opened the door before I opened the door is look at David and whisper something in his ear. "This is Henry's dad he doesn't know about him and he left me and tried to send me to prison he can't know about Henry. Please help me!" He nodded and opened the door I stood in the kitchen trying to figure out how he found me. I slowly walked into the living room as Neal still stood outside, "Emma it's so good to see you I've been looking everywhere for you!" I wanted him to leave but didn't know how to tell him. "Go away I don't want you here you left me remember we are over." He gave me an anger look an lunged forward but David kept him from reaching me. "Neal listen go away leave this town and leave me alone. Please just go!" His expression softened when he saw I was crying and trying to get him to leave he left the loft and I cried harder. He found me before I even broke the curse I needed my son but with Neal around I could have Henry outside of the loft. I text Mary-Margaret and told her she could come home I explained everything to her as I cuddled my son not Neal's son my son. I put him to bed and went downstairs Mary-Margaret pulled me into a hug knowing I needed one, she needed to know why I don't want Neal around Henry. "I'm going to tell you two the whole story about Neal but not a word to anyone got it?" They nodded and I started to tell my story.
"I met Neal in Boston, I thought I loved him and then I found out he stole some watches. I wanted to be with him so I picked up the watches and he went to sell them for money. I waited at our safe spot until the cops show up saying they received an anonymous tip that I had stolen the watches. Neal set me up and almost sent me to prison but I told them where he went and I got away free of charge. I found out later that I was pregnant with Henry I was determined to get away form Neal so he wouldn't hurt my baby like he did me, after Henry was born I got a job at the diner and realized I wanted a better life so I moved here and met you guys. You've changed my life so much and David you just helped me face him I could never do that alone." I didn't know what else to say it was relieve when Henry's cry interrupted the silence and awkwardness. I went up to get him and brought him downstairs we watched some tv for the rest of the night laughing and talking about literally everything.

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