Chapter 9- Making the choice

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I stayed up all night watching Henry freaking out over Neal being here, he can never find out about him. I needed this curse to be broken and maybe Neal will leave the town, but before I break the curse I need to know if I love Killian. I don't have much experience with love but I know how Killian makes me feel, he makes my heart skip a beat and I feel safe when I'm with him it's hard to explain. I needed my moms help deciding what to do, I can't spill anything about the curse it could be dangerous for her. I walk downstairs my dad is sitting at the table, my mom is nowhere to be seen. "Hey David where's Mary-Margaret?" I asked I really wanted to talk to her about Killian, he looked at me and offered me a cup of hot chocolate. "She had some students who needed tutoring this morning so she left early. Do you need something?" I shook my head it would be weird talking about boys with my dad who doesn't remember me, I went upstairs to change out of my pajamas I decided to clear my head so I took Henry out for a walk carefully avoiding Neal. The whole time we walked I thought about Killian maybe I do love him I just haven't told him how I feel. I wanted to so badly but my walls have been up for so long it's going to take time to bring them down, I could feel someone watching me as I walked I turned around but no one was there. I went to the docks to find Neal talking with Regina that explains how he found me she brought him here to keep me from breaking her curse. I stayed hidden behind some old boxes to listen to their conversation, I wanted to know if he knows the truth.

N: Why am I here Regina?

R: I thought you would want to know that you have family in town, his name is Mr. Gold here.

N: My father is here I know but I don't want to see him, I came here because you need me to keep Emma from breaking the curse. It's her destiny but I don't want magic to destroy her family like it did my papa.

R: She didn't tell you? That must be really hard seeing her with a child

N: Emma has a kid?

R: Oh yea and I think he's yours.

I couldn't believe it all this time I've been trying to keep my son from Neal, Regina had to be a bitch and tell him. Henry doesn't need his father in his life all he will do is break his heart, I wanted to talk to Neal alone so I texted David asking him if he could pick up Henry so I could talk to Neal. David came and wished me luck I was so nervous to talk to him since I didn't tell him about our son, apart of me hoped he changed and could be Henry's father. He was sitting with his feet hung over the docks I tried to walk away but I couldn't I needed the truth.

E: Neal?

N: Why didn't you tell me?

E: You had just sent me to jail and I assumed you went to Canada already, I didn't want you to break Henry's heart like you did mine.

N: When Regina told me that you were here I came as fast as I could I didn't want you to break the curse but I read up on your parents there here and they need you.

E: Did you know who I was when we first met?

N: If I had I wouldn't have gone near you

E: Come On

N: Come on come on what? I was in hiding I went to New York to get away from all this crap.

E: So if you didn't know then you were just using me so you had someone to take the fall for all the watches that you stole.

N: I wasn't using you when we met I didn't know I found out.

E: How?

N: When I went to sell the watches I ran into a friend of yours August

E: You left me?! And let me go to prison because PINOCCHIO ask u too?!

N: Emma?

E: I loved you

N: I was trying to help you

E: By letting me go to jail

N: By getting you home

E: Are you telling me... that us meeting was a coincidence? How the hell did that happen if it wasn't in your plan or your father's?

N: Think about it. He wanted you to break the curse. Us meeting, that could've stopped it. Maybe it was fate.

E: You believe in that?

N: You know, there's not a ton I remember about my father that doesn't suck, but he used to tell me that there are no coincidences. Everything that happens happens by design, and there's nothing we can do about it. Forces greater than us conspire to make it happen. Fate, destiny, whatever you want to call it, the point is, maybe we met for a reason. Maybe something good came from us being together.

E: Doesn't matter now, I'm over it. And you.

N: Why do you wear the key-chain I got you?

E:   To remind myself to never trust someone again.

I got up and walked off before he chased back after me, I knew he wanted to meet Henry but I wasn't ready. "Emma I want to meet him!" I turned around so quick I gave myself whip lash I wasn't ready yet I needed time. "Listen Neal I understand that you want to met him but I'm not ready give me so time, and there is no chance that we will get back together I already have someone I love. Henry just needs me and his grandparents right now so please just give me time." I walked back to the loft I can't believe what had just happen the man I loved left me because Pinocchio told him and now he's trying to come back in my life. I opened the door Henry was asleep in David's arms when he saw me he put Henry in his bassinet and embraced me in hug. I needed more than a hug right now I wanted my parents to wake up from this eternal hell.

Finding HomeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora