Chapter 18- The Wedding

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Today's the wedding, my mom had everything planned including the ball after. She invited everyone from the Kingdom to the ball including people I've never met she always says that I'm the Princess it's my royal duty knowing the people of the Kingdom. I understand that but why does it have to be on my wedding night, after the ball Killian and I leave for our honeymoon. He has the whole thing planned I have no clue where we are going, my mom and Regina are helping me get ready I have like 30 minutes before I marry the man I love. Honestly I never thought I would get married because I already have a kid with someone else but Killian loves me and Henry so much, I know how much he wants a child of his own and maybe with time I will change my mind but at least for now Henry is enough. My mom finishes up my hair and I place my tiara on my head, this was it I was getting married I was actually getting married. My father knocked on the door I knew it was time he was about to walk me down the isle, I got up and hooked my arm with his. We walked down the stairs and into the ballroom everyone staring at me made me uncomfortable until I saw Killian's face and I knew this was going to be okay. My father kissed me on the forehead and I walked up to the alter, the preacher began. "Do you Killian Brennan Jones take Princess Emma Ruth of Misthaven to be your wife?" I heard my middle name and looked at my mother, I didn't know I had a middle name. "I Killian Brennan Jones take Princess Emma Ruth to be my wife, to have and to hold from, this day forward; for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part; according to God's holy law." I smiled finally it was my turn to say I do, "Princess Emma Ruth do you take Killian Brennan Jones to be your husband." I smiled looking him in the eyes, "I Princess Emma Ruth of Misthaven take Killian Brennan Jones to be my husband, to have and to hold from, this day forward; for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part; according to God's holy law."
"I now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride." He pulled me close and kissed me, everyone cheered and the ball started. The Ball lasted about 4 hours before it was time to leave for our honeymoon. We got on the Jolly Roger and sailed away saying goodbye to my parents and Henry, leaving him was the hardest part but I'll be back in 3 weeks.

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