Chapter 2- You've got to be kidding me

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Regina's Pov
After I encountered Emma Swan I rushed over to Gold's shop, how in the hell did the Savior happen to find this town. It's not even on a map, Gold would know and he may no be awake but hearing her name will jog his memory. "Gold?" I screamed from the front desk as he came out with his cane and innocent look. "What can I do for you Madame Mayor?" He asked all innocent he was awake I could tell. "So you are awake? Tell me did Emma Swan coming to town jog your little imp mind?"
"Good day Madame Mayor my shop is closing now." I walked out in a rage I couldn't let this girl break my curse, I needed to show her that I run this town perhaps finding the thing she's running from would show her. I pulled out my phone and dialed a number of an old friend who would help. "Sydney I need a favor a girl has just arrived to town named Emma Swan dig deep and bring me what you find." She thinks she can defy me and act like she's more than just a little lost girl. And of course she had to be walking with my worst enemy knowing how generous Snow is she's probably living with her and her Prince Charming. Eww they disgust me I wanted the curse to keep them apart but it only gave them fake memories of being married. They are happy and I just sit back and watch as the whole town runs from me and people fear me. I wanted to be victorious but not like this people just do what I say and everything is the same over and over again. It gets boring but with a new enemy I can destroy life just got interesting.

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