Chapter 14- Welcome Home

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As my parents help people deal with the curse being broken I sat not fitting in unable to help because it's not who I am, they are heroes and I'm just a lost girl who happen to break the curse. They knew how to help people and I couldn't do any of that, they are loved by the people I'm not they and Killian love me but no one else does. I can see them glancing over at me with sympathy realizing what I went through before I came to find them, I just looked away at Killian playing with Henry. My parents walked up to me I wanted to run but I needed to face this, "Emma honey is something wrong?" My mother asked I didn't quite know what to say but I guess I could just wing it. "I'm not some princess or hero I can't be a leader like you two. Look at them they love you and they don't even know my name they just address me as the Lost Princess. I'm  lost when I'm around you two, you make me feel like I have some obligation to be the greatest leader of the Enchanted Forest." They just looked at me like any parent would, I didn't know what else to say I can't be like them. "Listen we don't expect you to live up to what we are, we know you are a hero we know that you will make a great leader when the time comes but for now you can just be our little girl." They pulled me into a hug before the Blue Fairy came with news how how to get to the Enchanted Forest, she could open a portal but once we go through there's not way to get back it's a one way trip. I had to make a choice either I stay here alone with Henry but without my parents or Killian, or I could suck it up and see where I'm from. "I have something to do before we leave, watch Henry for me I'll be back." I ran down the streets to the Mayor's house, if Regina didn't leave she would be here alone forever. When I got to her house it looked like she wasn't home but I couldn't give up and leave her she needed a shot at redemption and the Enchanted Forest could be the place for her to start over. "Regina? Regina? We are leaving in a portal, you need to come on before it's too late." I screamed hoping she would hear me since she obviously didn't want to talk, I walked behind the house to see her picking apples off her tree.

E: There you are I've been looking for you

R: I'm sure you have Ms. Swan

E: The Blue Fairy is opening a portal you need to leave with us or you'll be all alone here

R: What makes you think I want to go to a land with a bunch of heroes who ruined my life

E: Because I know what it's like to have your life ruined, because you ruined it. I know you want redemption and my parents arr willing to over look what you've done in the past. You deserve a second chance, it's my job as the savior to bring back the happy endings and I won't stop until you get yours. Now lets go it will be open soon."

We walked back to the crowd silently, when we arrived no one said a word they just backed up. As Blue opened the portal I held onto Henry as I prepared to jump in, I didn't know anything about this land but I couldn't abandoned my parents not after they spent 18 years without me. As the magic cleared the air, I looked around everyone was dressed in fancy clothes dresses, armor, and of course I was in a dress. My parents rushed over to me and embraced me they were so happy that I finally get to be a princess what they've always wanted me to be. I looked over at Regina who stood all alone, she needed some to be her friend despite the age difference I think it could work. "Mom, dad take Henry I need to talk to someone!" They nodded taking him as I walked to Regina, she jumped up and wiped the tears. "Regina are you okay?"

"I don't want to talk it doesn't matter."

"If it matters to you it matters"

"It's just look at everyone they are happy and I'm not, I don't have anyone to love. Your mother took that from me."

"I know it may seem that way but Tinkerbell once told you that you could find your soulmate maybe he's still out there. I told you I'm going to help you get your happy ending so let's go find him."

"You'd really help me after everything I've done?"

"If my parents taught me anything it's to have hope, hope that someone will change and I believe that you can. So yes I'm going to help you after all we are family I think it's all so complicated."

"You'll make a great Princess!"

"Don't push it with calling me Princess I'd rather be called Ms. Swan!"

She laughed and we headed to find her true love, and bring her happy ending to life. 

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