Chapter 20- Finding Out

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We arrived at the castle, I knew that if my parents find out then they would make a big deal out of it so Killian and I kept it to ourselves, since there is no real way to find out if I'm pregnant I needed a magical item. I knew my mother had one around her neck the only problem was I haven't seen them since we arrived and I don't want to drop a bomb on them like this. I had to tell them now because without that necklace I had no idea if I was pregnant ot not, Killian and I walked around the castle looking for my parents we found them in the old nursery thinking about what they missed with me. "Mom, dad we need to talk!" They were shocked to see me they didn't think I'd be back so early today. "Emma honey we didn't expect you so soon, what's going on? Did something happen on the honeymoon? Was is Elsa? Or Anna?" Her questions kept coming until I pulled her into a hug, "Mom everything is fine we just need to borrow grandma Ruth's necklace." Her eyes lit up when I asked for it, she look at my stomach then at Killian. "It's upstairs let's go get it. Do you think you are?" I nodded I couldn't find the words I didn't expect it to happen so soon. She asked me to lay on the bed and she told us how it works. "You hang this over your stomach and it tells you the gender of your first born. Emma this won't work for you that's why Killian needs to hold it. This isn't your first kid it won't work." She handed him the necklace and it began to swing, "Mom doesn't that mean I'm pregnant?" She nodded I looked at Killian he was wiping tears from his eyes. "Love I don't want to know the gender I want it to be a surprise but if you want to know then we can." I shook my head and he smiled a surprise will be good if being pregnant wasn't a surprise enough. "Emma I'm so happy for you. And for you too Killian." I smiled and got up now I have to tell my dad it was a little different with Henry because he didn't know but with this baby I fear he's going to think I'm too young. I looked at Killian and he gives me a reassuring smile. I walked down to the courtyard where my dad is teaching the new guards some sword attacks. "Daddy can I talk to you?" He nods and leaves the guards to practice, "What is it Princess?" I looked down at the ground then back at him. "I don't know how you are going to react to this but it wasn't planned I didn't know until just now. But I'm pregnant." He smiled and pulled me into a hug his reaction was a little more lovable than I imagined it would be. "Emma that's great I'm not mad at you I know you are a great mother and Killian is a great guy. You make me so proud I don't care that you are only a teenager you are an amazing mother and a wonderful daughter." I couldn't hold the tears in anymore so I cried on his shoulder. "How about we go and talk to your mom about cleaning out the nursery to make room for the baby and Henry." I nodded and we walked back into the castle, I put my hand on my stomach this time I wasn't alone I had a husband and my parents by my side.

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