Chapter 19- Honeymoon

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Killian and I left everyone behind to go on our honeymoon to Arendelle, my father is friends with Queen Elsa so she agreed to give us a proper tour of the realm. We sailed on the Jolly Roger until we got to Arendelle, Queen Elsa and Princess Anna were waiting for us at the dock. "Princess Emma and Prince Killian it's a pleasure to have you in our Kingdom, we have a room for you in our castle. This is my sister Anna and her husband Kristoff, as Queen I would like to take you on a tour if that's okay with you." She motioned for Killian and I to follow her through the Kingdom, Arendelle was beautiful with all the lights and ice the people were nice and welcoming. Once Elsa finished the tour she showed us our room, and then Anna gave us a tour of the castle. The last room she showed us was a nursery for her daughter Iduna, we slowly walked in carefully not waking the precious baby. She handed me her little girl, this made me want another baby but Henry is still so young. "Killian look at her she's precious." I said handing her back to Anna, I missed Henry so much and holding the baby didn't help. "Killian can we go walk around the villiage?" He nodded and we walked out of the castle, I took the crown off my head and put in my bag Killian still had his on. "Love I know you don't like being a princess but I think you should wear it just in case we get into some trouble here." He was right so I pulled the crown back out and placed it gently on my head as we walked people bowed and that's why I didn't want to wear it, I didn't feel comfortable sleeping in the castle so we told Elsa and Anna that we couldn't intrude that we'd be sleeping on the Jolly Roger. When it started getting dark the ice sparkled making it even more beautiful than in the day time, the lights shined over the little shops in the center of the castle. "Killian this place is so beautiful, I wish our home was this amazing." He pulled him in close and we watched the fireworks, once the show was over we sat on the Jolly Roger talking. "Killian I know this isn't a conversation you want to have on our honeymoon but does it ever bother you that I have a son? That now you have a son?" He took my head in his hands and smiled, "Emma I love Henry just as much as I would if he was my own, I knew that when I married you it meant stepping up and being a dad. I want to be with you and Henry I love you both so much." I could tell he wanted a baby of his own but Henry isn't even a year old yet and I don't think I'm ready for another kid. "Killian do you want more kids? You know kids that are mine and yours?" I asked as he slowly retreated down to the bedroom. "Emma I want them but I can wait until you are ready Henry is enough for now but in the future yes I would like more." He picked me up and carried me down the steps, the minute I hit the pillow I was out.

3 weeks later
I woke later this morning, it was the day we leave. We'd said our goodbyes to the Queen and her family and parted ways. I was glad to go home but I also would miss how nice it was to get out and explore different Kingdoms. Killian was steering the ship home when I woke up, I smiled as he saw me looking over the side. All of a sudden I have a wave of nausa hit me and I leaned over the side of the boat, Killian ran down holding my hair. "Love are you alright?" I nodded I hoped it was just sea sickness and not morning sickness, I mean of course I would be happy if I was pregnant but the timing just seemed off. "I'm fine Killian it's just sea sickness." He didn't believe me and I could tell, I just didn't want to tell him the other choice in case it wasn't true. "You didn't get sick on the way there." Damn he was right I didn't know what else to do so I just went to the other end of the boat, once he couldn't see me past the poles I put my hand on my stomach if it was true then I'm a mother again. Am I even ready for this? What about Killian? He wanted kids but not this soon, what about my parents? I'm 18 and there's a chance I could have two kids, I stopped thinking about what everyone else would think and focused on what really matters. No matter if I'm pregnant or not I can do this, baby or no baby.

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