"See how you react to it so positively. That's about sixty percent of my aura. I never go above thirty percent, but I know you can handle it. I was made for you," He slurs. A very subtle tension builds in the pit of my stomach churning my insides unpleasantly. I want to grip the submissive up and ravish him from the inside out and this thought, which came from absolutely nowhere jars me. This couldn't be his presence? Could it? "Here's seventy-five percent. U-usually people go incoherent around this level, unresponsive, dead in the brain. But not you." I scrabble back to his face molding my lips to his; teeth gnashing with his own. Ezra returns the haste locking his fingers around my torso trying to tug the material of my shirt over my head. I lick a broad stripe across his tongue and then rip the white nightshirt off his body, buttons flinging across the room as well as loose flyaway threads. Ezra just pants into my mouth.

"Oh god, oh god, you're taking it so well, ngh fuck I'm going ninety percent." I rip my lips away from his swollen ones and I trace the column of his neck with butterfly kisses and nips. When I get to his shoulder a sickening possession takes root. I want to rake my fingers across the paleness of his skin, mark up his neck, claim him as mine. Take, take, take. A warm droplet splatters across my thigh snapping me out of the haze and I peek down glaring at black-crimson-red. Blood. When I look back towards Ezra, his neck is bared, and his eyes are screwed shut. He has trembling fingers planted over a large bite mark on his shoulder, caressing and petting along the angry looking wound. I grip my temple trying to shake the dizzying feeling away.

"E-Ezra, what the hell?" My presence wants to be unleashed, and it wants to suffocate the male submissive until he's pliant and needy. Lost in subspace. Ezra cracks an eye staring at me with these hungry orbs and then he shrugs the remaining scraps of his shirt off.

"My presence is too rich. Unhealthily, so I have to always keep it d-dialed down. To at least seventy percent. You, you have a completely different reaction to it though, a hungry reaction. You want me. A-and you made it to ninety percent. S Doms can only handle seventy before their body shuts down, seizures," He rasps tracing the skin of my arm. "We have to finish the bond, solidify it." Ezra shimmies out of his bottoms until he's in the complete nude and then he reaches under my bed and pulls out a black box. He shoots me a timid look before cracking the box open and retrieving the collar from inside.

"While we engage in sexual intercourse...we'll have to use our presences so that they'll be able to blend and intertwine," Ezra clamps the leather band around his neck tight and groans while rolling his head slowly. He climbs up to the front of the bed leaning on his forearms, exposing the pinkness of his hole. I choke with no words to be found. "You can penetrate me first mistress, and then if you want, I'll penetrate you or do whatever you want me to do. I bought you a strap on, it's in the box along with some other things." He raises his head peering over his shoulder. This wasn't happening, this couldn't be happening. Lifting the box lid, I gasp in shock and slam the lid shut. Oh god, that thing was big. He couldn't. Could he? Anyway, that wasn't the point. I didn't come here to solidify any bonds, I came here to perform aftercare, came here to apologize!

"Ezra we can't." But the boy shakes his head while reaching around to spread himself for me. His fingers are trembling, and his eyes are hooded. He's anticipating.

"We can. We need this bond. And I want it. Once we have it everything will be easier, more comfortable. We'll be able to take care of each other." I close my eyes feeling a headache. I grab the comforter and spread it across the boy's back, covering his intimate parts. A deep sigh leaves me, and I feel tired.

"Please, just give me some time. I need to situate myself and explore this new life. Let me settle before you start planning life long decisions," He rolls onto his back and stares at me, long and hard before sitting up. "You're still young, like me. And you have you're whole life ahead of you. Don't you think about the future? How you'll be and who you'll meet? Do you think we'll still be together by then, you as my sub and me as your Dom?" Ezra purses his lips and his expression falls flat. I reach for his hand and the boy grips onto my palm fast.

"You're special." He says as if that answers it all. I shake my head and try softening my features.

"I just don't want us rushing into anything only to regret it later, let's get to know one another as individuals first, and then we can go from there. Yeah, I might be compatible with your presence, but that doesn't mean our likes and interests correlate. I want to know who you are, what your story is," I caress his cheek and Ezra slumps into my arms, curling in tight like one of those Rollie Pollie bugs. "We can build on the relationship, okay? And at the end of the month, we can come back together and talk about this bond. Does that seem fair?" He sighs closing his eyes before nodding.

"And...from now on before you unleash your aura like that, we'll need to talk and discuss whether I'm comfortable with it," He pouts. "I wasn't comfortable with losing myself like that and I'm glad I came to my senses before anything bad happened. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"Good boy." I lie our bodies against the mattress and stroke my fingers over the bare skin of the boy. I close my eyes and shudder to myself. Ezra's aura was no joke, it was strong and downright dangerous, intoxicating. I look down at him and stifle the words trying to come out. Closing my eyes once more, I try to imagine what it would have been like if he had reached his full aura output. Had I not stopped. Where would we have been? What would have happened it I fed into his channeling with my own, blended our presences? I probably would have taken him. Would've gripped onto his hips until they would have turned red and bruised, would have spread his legs even wider and would have pressed my chest to his back as I—

"I'll tell you about who I was... what I am now. I'll tell you anything." I blink quickly clenching my thighs together to ease the heat. A soft hum tickles my vocal cords.

"Okay, I— that would be nice Ezra, thank you." Biting my lips, I try to force the painted images from my mind, of pinkened skin and soft moans, hazel eyes and the look of absolute worship embedded deep within them. 


I was this close 👌🏾 to writing a sex scene this chapter based on strapons but then I didnt  😔 I should have though!!

Sorry again for chapter delay!

Mistress's Good Boy (BWWM)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن