Taehyung continued walking away, towards the door as if hearing nothing in return.

Jeongyeon pursed her lips. The dagger in her hands felt cold. She tightens her grip onto one of them and aimed forward, focused her eyes towards her direction, where his silhouette flashed in the lights.

And flung the weapon vastly.

It travelled and struck the metal door soundly... loudly. Taehyung stood wordless, eyeing the dagger in front of him, inches away from the tip of his nose. He swears he heard his heart thumped heavily in his chest. The room grew silent.

"I said I'm fine." Her voice sounded calm... determined. "Don't leave. I need you here. Please."

Her words left an unknown unidentified emotion within him. She was filled with so much passion that it suddenly turns out to be anger and hatred. Taehyung can sense the eagerness in her attitude. The thirst. The vengeance. He knew to himself he can't blame her.

He slowly turned around to face her, he neared almost a foot distanced between them.

Taehyung was the first one to make a move. Jeongyeon aimed her arms forwards, receiving the attacks on her padded shield. She remained broad. Momentarily, she slid through the floor, her knees flexed and slit the tip of one of the daggers in his lower limb.

He screamed in pain. Drip of blood flow from his wound.

Taehyung's face darkened. He elbowed her in the stomach, unexpected of it, Jeongyeon crawled in her knees and took a step backward. A soft moan escaped her lips. She gritted her teeth and managed to counter a punch. He swayed away. Again. And again. Taehyung grasped her wrist and twisted it around. Circled his elbow in her neck. Making her struggle to assume a position.

Jeongyeon slowly was lost of breath.

She felt him smirked.

"Surrender?" Taehyung whispered softly in her ears.


Jeongyeon bit his arms that caused him to release her. Taehyung screamed shortly in pain. She forcefully kicked his knees and he felt it snapped for a second. He was now kneeling in front of her, Taehyung hardly moved on his position.

The tip of the dagger that wounded his limb a while ago pressed coldly on his neck. A smiling Jeongyeon came into his view, stretching her arm towards him.

"Surrender?" She teased back.

Taehyung smiled widely, those box grin of his. He lowered his head and stared at the floor for a while. A low chuckle resonated over the room.

"Okay. Okay. You win." He said and stared back again at her, proudly as ever, his eyes twinkled.

"Now, help me up. I can't feel my legs now."

Jeongyeon smiled, feeling somewhat freshened. She let go of the dagger and laid her arm for him. Taehyung grabbed her hand in less than seconds and she pulled him upwards.

Swiftly, in a blink of an eye, their bodies almost touched each other. Taehyung stared at her for a while, smelling her sweet scent, he didn't realize they stood there close as ever. Jeongyeon felt his breath brushed her hair. Suddenly, he distanced away.

"Good job, Yoo." Taehyung's blank expression showed. "Go and rest. We have a mission to finish."

Before she could even act a response, he strode pass by her and left the training ground in seconds, leaving her by herself and at ease.

Suddenly, it came to her once again why she has undergone this major change... it was for the mission, yes, the mission.


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