"Oh, thank goodness. Come on, we need to go. You need the hospital."

It takes a minute for me to open my eyes. But I recognise the voice as Jacob. And the female gasping as Bella.

That focuses my mind quickly. I open my eyes and sit up a bit too rapidly. My head swims for a moment, until my vision clears and I can see Bella's pale face and blue lips, along with Jacob's soaking form.

"What is wrong with you," I say, surprised at the hoarseness of my own voice.

"It...was a thrill," she says softly, shrugging.

"Not for me."

"Jordan, Harry Clearwater has had a heart attack," Bella says quietly.

I swallow, wincing at the stabbing pains in my throat. "What?"

My thoughts instantly jump to Adrian. The part of me that still considers him a friend wants to go to him, and comfort him. But I know it isn't a good idea.

"Come on, I'll drive you home," Jacob says.

"No, I brought my car. I can drive myself," I say, pushing myself off the sand. "And I am not going to the hospital."

My feet are steady, but my legs shake and I almost fall down. A wave of nausea spikes up my esophagus, turning over and tipping onto the back of my throat.

"Jordan, you nearly drowned. You need to go to the hospital," Jacob says.

"No, vomiting black stuff for two weeks straight is something to go to the hospital for. I'm fine. Now, let's go," I say, sending him a sharp look.

Muttering about my stubbornness, Bella tries to walk past me. But I catch her arm and whirl her about, anger suddenly flaring in my chest. It's warms me up quickly.

"And don't think for a second I'm going to let this go. You could have died! Never in my life would I have expected you to be so stupid!" I say, scowling fiercely.

"I just wanted to see something," she defends.

"What? The ocean floor? Or maybe Victoria? Yeah, I saw her. The next time I catch you trying to pull a stunt like that I'll make Charlie section you," I say, holding off a shiver as I walk off the beach.

I don't mean to be so angry with her, it's mostly fear fueling it. Every time I blink I see the wave hitting me. Its tied a knot in my stomach, and poured molten iron over the top.

As my car comes onto view, an urge to hear Jasper's voice fills my chest and I reach into my pocket. It takes only a moment for me to curse violently.

Unlike Bella, I didn't have time to take my jacket off. And my phone is well and truly screwed. Luckily, car keys aren't electronic.

Tossing the phone to the backseat, I rev the engine and put the heating up full blast. Music soon obscures most of my thoughts. Which is the point.

I drive behind Jacob the whole way. Even though I could easily overtake the thing that a donkey with two legs could outrun, I decide to meander a bit.

Although I do go around it to park, as my car doesn't do well on the side of the road. But by now, I have stopped shaking, and hopefully my lips are blue anymore. A quick glance in the mirror confirms it.

A commotion reaches my ears, and I turn around to see Jacob throw himself out of the truck to grab Bella's arm.

"Bella, stop!" He says. "You gotta come with me."

Oh, hell no.

"Get your hands off her, Jake!" I say, reaching them in three strides.

"They won't hurt me," Bella says, and I glance at her. "They?"

"If a Cullen is back here, this is their territory," Jacob says. "The treaty says we can only protect those on our own lands. I can't protect you here."

"Okay, it's okay. You don't have to," Bella says.

"You're about to cross a line," Jacob says softly.

I look to the house. A Cullen? But which one? Why would any of them be here?

Unless somethings happened to one of them...please, no. Don't let that be the reason.

"Then don't draw one," Bella says. "Please."

I'm at the door before her, wrenching it open and stepping into the dark hallway. There's definitely someone here. Something is different.

Bella switches a light on, and everything is illuminated sharply. It takes a second for my eyes to adjust.

Then, "Alice?"

Sparks [Completed] Where stories live. Discover now