1 Wish

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I breathe deeply into the air mask as they check me over on our way to the hospital. When we get there I'm rushed back and I'm grateful when an ultrasound machine gets rolled in.

My heart pounds in my chest as I wait to hear the heartbeat. For the longest time, I'm unable to hear anything and I feel the tears slide down my cheeks. Not again.

Ba-dum. Ba-dum. Ba-dum.

"Found it! There you are, you sneaky devil. Trying to hide from us and scare mommy."

Now I'm crying happy tears, my baby is alive. A detective comes in after I'm settled in a room. They want to keep an eye on the baby to make sure there won't be any lasting effects.

"You were very brave Miss Draper. I just wanted you to be the first to know that we have her in custody and she'll never bother you again. We have more than enough on her to keep her locked away for a very long time. We'll also be keeping her in solitary so she won't have any access to the outside world."

I nod, absentmindedly rubbing my stomach.

"Congratulations by the way."

I smile, "thank you. Is Johnny here?"

The detective smiles, "He is among many who are here. There's a whole crowd outside holding vigil until they hear news."

I blush and chuckle nervously, "For me?"

He nods, "Seems when everyone found out you were taken they rallied around you and Johnny. SaveSydney is trending on twitter right now."

I can't help but laugh, who knew his fans would care so much?

The doctor comes in after the detective leaves and checks me over once more. "The baby looks good. You're about 6 weeks along but I take it you already knew that. You've already heard the heartbeat and it's strong. You can have visitors but only two at a time. Your boyfriend has been anxiously waiting."

I smile wetly as I rub my still flat belly. "Can you stay so he can hear the heartbeat?"

The doctor chuckles and nods, "Of course."

Johnny comes running in and I'm immediately in his arms. "I'm okay."

"I thought I lost you, Syd. They wouldn't tell me anything. The baby?" He looks at the doctor who nods before placing the ultrasound wand on my tummy. He quickly finds the heartbeat and Johnny's face lights up.

"We're having a baby!" He kisses me deeply before thanking the doctor.

Over the next few hours, all our friends and family come to visit us one by one as Johnny refuses to leave my side. I don't mind, I don't want to leave his side either.


7 Months Later

"Another contraction!"

"Breathe baby, you gotta breathe."

I take deep breaths as I look into Johnny's eyes. "I love you..."

He grins, "I love you too Sydney. You got this."

My doctor comes in and checks how far I'm dilated. "Okay looks like you're ready to go. Johnny you're going to hold her right leg while the nurse holds the other. When I say, Sydney, you're going to start pushing."

I nod as Johnny does as he's told. "Okay Sydney, push!"

I push as hard as I can, pain ripping through me. I stop when she tells me to, taking deep breaths. "Okay Sydney, another push. Here we go!"

After half an hour I feel like I've been pushing for years. "One last big push Sydney, I can see the hair!" I scream as I push as hard as I can until I feel the baby come out.

"It's a boy! Congratulations!"

I cry happy tears as they set him on my bare chest as he cries. "He's gorgeous Johnny."

I've only ever seen Johnny cry once before but he's crying now, kissing my forehead as we look at our son. They clean him up before handing him back to me. I kiss his forehead and can't believe we're so lucky.

"Well, dad, would you like to hold your son?"

Johnny smiles nervously, nodding. He takes his son and holds him gently. "Hi buddy. I'm your dad. I'm so happy you're finally here. We came so close to not knowing you and I promise I'll spend my whole life protecting you."

He kisses his forehead and I can't help the tears that stream down my face. I've never been so happy in my life.

 I've never been so happy in my life

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