17 Wishes

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The concert ends and Nash can't stop gushing about the band and thanking me for going with her.

My phone goes off and I look down at the screen. It says it's possibly from Johnny.

I can't help but chuckle as I open the message.

'Hey, Sydney. It's Johnny. Did you enjoy the show?'

'Hey. I did. So were you just going to let me live in my blissful ignorance?'

I watch as the typing bubble appears on my phone, biting my lip. Why am I so nervous all of a sudden?

'I thought you knew and were just playing it really cool.'

Ha! That would be a first.

'Not a clue. You should have seen the look on my face when you walked out. I think I have a bruise from where my jaw hit the floor.'

'LMAO sorry about that. Didn't mean to cause you bodily harm.'

'Don't worry about it. A surprise every once in a while is good for you.'

'That's good. Doesn't make you think less of me knowing I'm a singer does it?'

'Of course not. Now if you're a diva... I might need to change my answer lol but I have a feeling we're safe.'

'Most definitely a diva. I'm the biggest diva out there...'
'Just kidding. Although my bandmates might agree with the first part. 🙄'

'Lmao. If friends can't bust your balls, then who can? Speaking of bandmates, it was a great concert. My friend cried. In fact, she's still crying. Be thankful you couldn't hear her singing. It's a good thing she has no interest in joining a band.'

'Lmao! Yeah tbf we have a lot of fans like that. I can't tell you how many fans try to sing to us in the hopes it will be their big break. Anyway, we're gonna be in town for a few more days. Any interest in grabbing coffee or lunch?'

I bite my lip as I look at the text message, reading it again.

"Sydney? Earth to Sydney!"

I look up, "What?"

"We're home."

I look around, "Shit, sorry." I climb out, shoving my phone in my pocket.

"What's got you in such a brain fog?"

"Just need to make a decision about something and not sure what I should do." I unlock the front door to our apartment, tossing my keys in the bowl by the door. I collapse on the couch rubbing my temples.

"Is it about Frankie? I know you haven't been feeling it with him for a while now. I know you Syd. You'll stay with him because you think that's what you should do. You have spent your whole life rebelling against what you should do. Why stop now?"

I take a deep breath. She's right. Nash is Indian and has been engaged to marry someone since she was twelve. Now that we're both older they're putting more pressure on her to marry the man they chose. For the past year, I've felt like I was falling behind. It won't be long before she's married and then having kids. I don't want to be the spinster aunt, hence Frankie. He's a nice enough guy and the sex isn't awful but am I prepared to live like that for the rest of my life?

I pull out my phone again, opening Johnny's message. 'I'd love to. I know just the place.'

It's only a few minutes before my phone buzzes again. 'Great. Meet me at the hotel at noon.'

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