Chapter 40

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I was having a good dream until I felt someone shake me and calling my name. I opened my eye's and saw daddy standing there smiling.

Damonie: yes daddy

Daniel: wanna come to work with me today

Damonie: yeah

Daniel: okay

My daddy walked out my room and I heard the bath running I walked in the bath room and took off my clothes and put them in the dirty clothes hamper then got in the bath. Once I was done I went into my room and put on my black flora long sleeve shirt with my jean capris overalls and put on my black flower vans once I was done I ran downstairs and saw daddy on his phone.

Damonie: daddy my hair

Daniel: come here

I sat on the stool while daddy brushed my hair when he was done I checked my hair in the mirror and it was pretty he braided one side and stopped in the middle and the other side he curled the ends and brushed it down it was pretty. Mommy came downstairs and I finished my BLT and hugged mommy around her thighs.

Damonie: mommy I'm going to work with daddy

Mi: I know baby be careful and as for you Daniel watch my baby

Daniel: I know she is not leaving my sight

Mi: oh yeah were she go

Daniel: *looks around and see's her on the couch* starting now

Mi: but are you forgetting something

Daniel: no what

Mi: doctors appointment

Daniel: oh yeah I forgot

Mi: I know don't wort maybe next time

Daniel: okay love you and I'm sorry


I walked in the doctor's office and I was in time because the nurse called my name so I walked right in I did all the simple stuff you do when your in a doctor's office then I sat on the paper bed and then the doctor came in.

Doc: hey Mrs. Simmons okay your here to see check on the baby

Mi: yes Ma'am

Doc: ok you know what to do

I leaned back and and layed on the bed and lifted up my shirt while the doc put the cold jell on my tummy she started moving it around and I saw a tiny body inside me I smiled and then she wiped the stuff of my belly then I pulled my shirt down. I can't wait to tell Daniel.


I was on my daddies neck while we walked through the doors he greeted this lady she smiled at him and he put me down on the desk.

Emily: hello you must be Damonie, I'm Emily your daddy has told me so much about you


Daniel: Monie come on now speak


Emily: it's ok she is shy I get it

Daniel: I don't know why she isn't shy around other people.


Emily: oh really

Daniel: we'll catch you later got to get to work bye

Emily: bye

He walked away with his daughter besides him she was really pretty like her mom. I sat at my desk and got a call from my sister.

Remember the time (Diggy Simmons)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora