Chapter 52

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Chapter 52

3 Years later


I walked off stage and to my dressing room where my fiancé was.

Emily: hey baby you did good

Daniel: thanks babe, where is Cali

Emily: she sleep

Cali was are 1 year old daughter she was my world and we lived in Miami.

Emily: Daniel remember we have to leave in 2 hours so we can go see your parents

Daniel: I know baby

I sat Cali down and went to take a shower once I was done Cali and Emily was sleep on the couch I smiled and kissed their heads.


Daniel: ma we're here

MamaJ: I'm in here

I walked into the kitchen and saw my mom washing dishes I hugged her and she dried her hands before she hugged me back.

Daniel: oh Emily is here

Her smile faded when she walked into the kitchen with Cali.

Emily: hey mama

She didn't respond she just walked out I sighed and walked out to see what was her problem.

Daniel: ma what's all that about

MamaJ: it's like you forgot all about Mi and your other kids

Daniel: wait what who is Mi

MamaJ: I knew something was wrong, she did something to my baby

She walked back to the kitchen and soon I heard arguing.

Emily: I didn't do anything to him

MamaJ: yes you did or he would remember his first love his everything even his own kids.

Daniel: wait what I have kids

Emily: baby don't listen to her you don't have no damn kids you only have Cali

MamaJ: no he doesn't because Cali isn't even his

Daniel: okay that's enough, I think it's time for us to go

Emily: yea

I picked up Cali and we walked out I opened the door and strapped her in we were headed to the nearest Hotel because I really don't feel like hearing Emily and my mom go neck and neck.


I woke up to Dj and Dominick spread out all over me and Destiny under my left arm I smiled and got up, as soon as I got up they all got up.

Destiny: mommy I'm hungry

Mi: okay, let's go eat

I picked up Destiny and the boys followed.

Mi: Dj go get Damonie

I walked downstairs and into the living room I sat Destiny on the couch and turned on the tv. Soon Damonie and Dj came down.

Mi: okay so today we're going over grandma's house because she is throwing a get together.

They all squealed in excitement but it soon died down once the show came on.


I drove up to MamaJ's house and parked my car Damonie, Dominick, and DJ got out and I got Destiny and set her on my side and we walked to the house. I rang the doorbell and MamaJ answered the door and the kids jumped on her.

Mi: hey be careful

MamaJ: don't worry I got them, okay go to the back and you will see all your cousins.

They all nodded and went to where they were told to go. I followed MamaJ to the dining room with destiny still in my side, I sat down and let Destiny go play. There was a huge bounce house out back and food in silver platters on the tables and some kids around the little table, and everyone seem to be enjoying themselves until Destiny came back crying and the boys and Damonie came back mad.

Mi: what happen

I picked up Destiny and looked Damonie.

DJ: some girl pushed Destiny off the bouncy house so we pushed her down the slide and she got mad so Damonie pulled her hair and into the pool

??: um excuse me are these your kids because if so they hurt my daughter

Mi: yeah and- I was just leaving

MamaJ: what why you barely got here

Daniel: ma you know her

MamaJ: yes this is Mi

Daniel: so your the one I've been hearing about, can I talk to you please

Mi: no, I'm sorry I have to go, thanks ma for the party but we will see you later

I put a sleepy Destiny on my shoulder and grabbed Dominicks hand while Dj and Damonie followed behind pouting.


Wow she was beautiful I need to see her again, whoever she was I definitely need her number.

Daniel: we should invite her to dinner tomorrow.

MamaJ: will do

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